Sunday, June 16, 2013

Any Choice is Better Than Spain!

I have just one announcement for today... thus far, maybe more later..... um, anyway! I have decided that the marriage between Valken and Aurora was arranged. Hmhm, I think that they should be betrothed. Because its an old world tradition and Zarius is old world-y in some respects.

I also think that Aurora should be foreign. But where does she come from? Rayet seems logical since it would explain why Zarius is so close with them. Strong alligence and all that stuff.

And then I want Valken and Aurora's babies, Aiden, Kerian and Serena, to not be betrothed to anyone. Because Aiden ends up with Hiroshi who is a stray half blood not a prince or whatever. And then there's Kerian and his Governess, Adrienne.

If I do a prequel story then I will likely have one of the children be betrothed and end up breaking the betrothal and that's why no one else is coerced into marriage. It wouldn't be a break in tradition like Brave though. More like Ever After. Haha. Cause I do what I want.

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