Sunday, June 9, 2013


So, as we all know Kerian busts in the door to the castle and declares war in person on Zarius. Then Aiden immediately calls the court to meeting to ask for reinforcements, right? Right that happens. Now, because Kerian is essentially taking over a small country to wage war on Zarius, that leader that he's killed will obviously not be in attendance. People will obviously wonder where he's gotten too and Kerian didn't mention that he'd taken over an entire country, though Aiden will have his suspscions because of Kazuo's prescense. Now as it stands the question becomes does Kerian make a second appearance at the meeting of the court or does he let them be?

I feel like the court wouldn't question whether Aiden's claim is true or not, so in that respect, it's not nessicary. However, knowing Kerian's personality, would he have any reservations about flaunting what he's done? I don't think so. I think that he'd like to brag. In which case he should appear. So, in my mind it's rather 6 to one, half a dozen to the other right now.

Help? Opinions are nice.


Anonymous said...

but if he goes, why don't people just try to attack him right then and there?

okay you declare war. since you declared it why aren't i trying to just beat you now and get this over with.

that's how i see it anyway.

Lita Kaye said...

Tethys is an island on a mineral desposit that cancells out Vaikas powers. And because its a peaceful meeting between the allied nations, so no one would have weapons with them.

Also, Kerian is a King now cause he's taken over a country. And if they kill him in like the one place where everyone is supposed to be safe, then his people are gonna flip. Not because they love him or are loyal to him or anything like that but because, that's not fair of everyone there why would you kill our guy sort of a thing.