Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What?! I'm Fourty...

Do Angel and Emma really need tails?
I mean, really, really?
Originally I wanted them to sort of balance out the fact that Aiden has wings. Cause I mean it would be weird if he was the only person in the family with anything like that.
And if I take away the girl's tails then that means that the only thing that we have running in the family is wings. Cause like four characters end up with wings after all.
But I don't know. Is it stupid?
Am I being cartoon-y?
Is it superfluous?
I mean it is just an add on. They don't serve a major purpose or anything.
And I suppose that I could give the girls weird animal eyes instead and that would still tie in their beastie to them.
But still!
What about my genetics?!
Even if I took the girl's tails away and gave Sabastian a tail instead, that wouldn't help. Because who the hell cares about Sabastian's butt anyway?! And he's not even in the family or marrying into the family so he does nothing to fix the genetic issue. He just adds to the aesthetic.
Soooooo..... I don't know what to do.

Please feel free to ignore my posts as usual.
Or I don't know,
Tell me what you think.
Heaven forbid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont think they really need tails, but your choice. um, i dont remember but how does she get the tail anyway? like she come back to the world and oh look you magically have a tail here? that seems kinda lame to me. like saying it appears once you turn a certain age sure or something like that, but just appearing? i donno...

yeah. i dont really know what to say other than that.

sorry for not being more help