Friday, November 2, 2012

Turtle Nibbles Pokka Dotted Snails Bro

Okay, so I didn't post anything on ThorsDay or HumpTonyStarkDay this week, but I did post twice on Monday and that totally counts Guys! Anyway, today's post is relevant! And has nothing to do with Apollo Ohno... Probably. Hahaha. No promises Bro.

Anyway, this post is about hands! Yes, you read that right. Hands. And why hands you ask? Well, I've been writing a lot instead of doing my Math homework and it seems to be that every time I mention some one's dominate hand, I say left. And I don't know why, but I do. Soooooo, I've decided that as of right now, Vaikas are majority left hand dominate as opposed to Humans who are majority right hand dominate. Because of reasons. Hahaha. Which means that as of right now, Hiroshi and Emma are the only right handed people! Period! Just two of all the significant characters. Cause Darnell hasn't arrived on the scene yet and secondary main characters are being ignored for the moment and crap and junk and stuff. And that's about it for right now... HOORAY LEFTIES?!

Also, I call bullshit America! Sabrina and Apollo both got perfect 30's this week! Why the hell were the both in jeopardy?! And more importantly, how could we allow Sabrina to get voted off after a perfect performance, while Kirsti Alley gets to stay another week? Are you kidding me? You all should be ashamed of yourselves! -a small bit of rage- I'm sorry Sabrina! I loved you, Girl!


Also, hooray for getting ditched! -cough, cough- You know who you are. And probably wont be reading this anyway, so I'm kind of wasting my passive aggressive rage on this. -cough- Hahaha.



Reichardt said...

I approve of this decision! Cause you totally need my validation~ But will their left feet be dominant as well?!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

For some, yes. But in general, I feel that feet are more ambittydext-teeeerrrrrrous then hands anyway.

Like for example, I'm right handed, but given the choice, I'll kick ya in the face with the left leg. I like my right for planting. But if I do jump kicks, I pump left, kick right. So, really I don't feel that it matters one way or the other. And I absolutely don't care about that enough to make a mention of it in the book. Not at all.

Reichardt said...

Hmmm... yes. This makes perfect sense indeed.