Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh Fondue My Eyes?!


Sooooo anyway, I'm not doing so great with this I'll post once a week thing, huh? Hahaha. Oh well! At least I'm doing well keeping up with my stupid math. That counts for something right? Well maybe not to you Bros.... BUT IT DOES COUNT?! Hahahha.

Now on a personal note, screw you Jess! 

And that's all the venting that I have for you today. Here's a picture of Bearcats,
 They smell like popcorn. Naturally. It's really, really cool.

I bet I know what you're wondering right now, I bet that you are wondering if I have anything relevant to post for you right now. Well the answer is no, not really. But I'm staying open minded about it. Maybe if I ramble long enough something will come to mind.... LIKE THIS?! Hahaha. I finally have a rough idea of what I want Aiden's battle speech to be no thanks to you guys! It's kind of Aragorn-esque. And I'm still working on it, but I finally have something for him to say. Haaha. Now if I could only make up my fricking mind on how to properly maim my Father then I could be a hundred percent done with with like 3/5ths of this bleeding book. And wouldn't that be great? I think so. Ummmm, oh and I changed Blaise's 'I'm bleeding to death and too stupid to ask Krystal for help or bandages or something' monologue a bit. There was nothing wrong with it. I just decided that it would sound a bit more natural if I changed somethings. Sooooo, I did. And Angel is now too enraged to be nervous about fighting Kazuo while maimed and I like it better this way because it's more in character for her. Fierce and emotional and rash and stubborn and impulsive and a fucking bad ass, that's my sister get your damn dirty hands off her, I'm going to rip your fucking throat out of your neck you bastard. Yep. That's Angel. Hahahha

And I love her just the way she is, so...

And that's all I got for you today. I'm gonna go run up and down the halls with my snazzy new leg warmers and be awesome. Toodles!

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