Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fill Me With Your Poison

Okay. So, you all remember my dearest, darlingest, twin sister Angel,
Hott and sexy, lesbian bad ass, future Queen of Zarius, ya know.

Well, as I have been writing a lot and such, I've been reading sections that I haven't looked at in awhile. And one such section that I was just looking at like I don't know... 2 seconds ago, is the section where Angel goes after Kazuo for trying to murder her sister. Well, as I have it right now, Angel gets his attention and then she gets a little nervous cause he's stronger then her and blah blah blah. Which I thought was very realistic. Cause she's doing what she's gotta do, but she's not suffering any delusions that this will be easy or anything like that. Cause he's one of the big bad guys and she's wounded and shit. But she's not backing down, which is in character. And it's realistic to be nervous in such a situation.

However, just now I was thinking, why the hell would Angel be nervous? Angel would be far too angry and too busy having a protective and a fierce to be nervous. She would forget that she was injured. And she wouldn't care who the hell she was fighting, she'd just lose it. At least I know that's what happens to me in those situations, anyway. And me and Angel are pretty similar..... Hahahaa!

Soooo, I think that I might be changing that.... Actually, scratch that. I am writing a rough draft of it right now to see how it reads. Still, it's always nice to have some other opinions. Let me know what you think Lovies.

1 comment:

Reichardt said...

Both are realistic to me. But once you add in rage and such it certainly makes more sense to just fucking attack as best you can.