Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Key to the Gate of Dreams

Okay, so me and my friend's decided that it would be a great idea for each of us to get Warehouse 13 tee shirts before the show came back on the air and we all wanted the shirts that Claudia made for everyone at Christmas with the artifacts that tried to kill them on it. Problem is there's only 3 of them available. Rheticus' Compass, Telegraph Island Telegraph and the Godfrid's Spoon. Yep, that's right, Man Ray's Camera doesn't even get it's own shirt. Sorry Myka! Anyway, it's really lame. Especially since I didn't really want any of those artifacts. I wanted Lovecraft's Key or Poe's Journal or Carrol's Mirror or something awesome like that.

Soooo, what did I do?
I made my own! 
And there's a few options, so leave me a comment and let me know which one you like the most!

First, I'll show you what the actual shirt looks like,

Now here's the first one that I did.
Option One:

This one has a different picture.
Options 2:

And this last one is the same as the first just with a different description of the key's properties.
Option 3:

Personally, I am impressed with myself. Hahaha. And ummm, I think that I probably like the picture with the purple glove best. But I'm not sure which of the properties description I prefer most though. Hahaha. Soooo, let me know what you guy's think! I can't wait to order a shirt! X3


Reichardt said...

The purple gloved ones look better than the gray one IMO. I also think "Induces Walking Nightmares" sounds more serious and cool than the other one. Either way you have a couple typo's on them :p

Lita Kaye said...

Okay.... But seriously, no brownie points for making it look amazing? Seriously? That looks damn good! -_-"

Lita Kaye said...

And it's Waking Nightmares not Walking Nightmares

Reichardt said...

I'll bake you a whole pan of brownie points!
Seriously, it does look pretty good! Like it could be a canon pic!
As for mixing up walking/waking, I blame my fuq'd up eyes XD

Lita Kaye said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just being nice now because I yelled at you.

Reichardt said...

That's not how I roll.

Lita Kaye said...

Um.... No comment.