Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gangnam Style, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gangnam Style!

Hello my Freaky Little Darlings,
In today's post we are going to vote on how Nicademus loses his eye!
Option A
After Nicademus leaves the castle, dumping the throne on Valken, he does not in fact dive right into a life of Piracy but instead breifly tries his hand at monster hunting, Van Helsing style, and he fails miserably. Then in one of his missions he ends up loosing an eye cause he doesn't know what he's doing. Then later on Lucian ends up picking him up and helping him out for awhile and then he becomes a Pirate.
Option B
We don't know what Nicademus does when he leaves the castle, dumping the throne on Valken, all we know is that he eventually ends up with Lucian and the RoQuero. And he and Lucian are friends so when they go after Rorak, he would accompany them, then Lucian would be mortally wounded and Blaise would lose his mind and kill Rorak. THEN maybe Blaise in his blind rage and personal anguish, turns on Nicademus and takes his eye by accident cause Nicademus tried to calm him down wrong or something.
I don't know which I prefer. Option B is a lot like when Eclipse rips Blaise open by accident. I think that it would be tragic and totally understandable and Blaise could angst about hurting his friend and that kind of crap. Buuuut, Option A would be good too. Cause like, it makes sense that Nicademus might fail once or twice before he finds a calling in Piracy. On the other hand, I may not go into his back story so much. So, is it really necessary to have such a history in place for him? Frankly, I have no idea. So I'm leaving it up to you Bro's.
Unless you're all stupid.
Then I'll do it myself.
Anyway! That's all that I got for ya'll today. Later!
-Mistress Kaye

1 comment:

Shadow Wolf said...

i like A