Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How Long Have You Been a Midgit?

True Story

Okay, so today's post is about Rocher and maybe some other stuff but mostly Rocher. Um, I've decided that he should be a little more clean cut, I guess. I don't want him to be "rugged" because Aiden is rugged and Nicademus is rugged and Gabriel is rugged. So Rocher can be more classic. He'll have shorter hair and it will be tame rather then crazy like Aiden's. He's going to be tall but not exactly huge. I'm staying with the dirty blonde hair and scarred face and stubble and I haven't decided about eye color yet. But I was thinking that perhaps he should be a snake. A Viper or a Rattler would be nice. Something like this one would be good.

I don't know what color I'd do for eye color though. I also might give him fangs. Like it might be necessary. Hahaha.


Shadow Wolf said...

i do not think there is a great variety of eye color in snakes but something very dark would fit the general appearance. that is not much help but it is help.

as for fangs i am always game for fangs or subtle things that suggest their animal.

Lita Kaye said...

The way that I figure it, is if I go with something that's poisonous then he needs fangs. That's just how that goes.

And I wasn't sure about going to the forked tongue place with him. I feel like that might be a bit strange.

Anonymous said...

no on the forked tongue, but fangs would be cool. and on his eyes, would you have the pupils narrow like a snakes or normal like a humans?