Monday, October 1, 2012

Verily, I am Thor

Verily, my brethren, Thor is bored and cold and lonely this night.

Hawk looks comfy though. Perhaps I shall snuggle up to him since my Brother is MIA, running around causing mischief somewhere or whatever he's doing.
Anyway, I've nothing of any relevance to post today.
Verily, I'm just bored and cold and lonely at 2am.
The picture is for my Hawkeye. We tease her a lot for being whipped by a Natasha that we don't even have, but verily we really love her.
And by we, I mean me and Loki. Hahaha.
I remember this one time Loki and I and Clint, verily.... Um, Nevermind.
I'm gonna go hide under my fuzzy blankies and watch a movie or something.
Send me Wall Things!
Goodnight My Brethren.

Oh! Also, Silent Hill 2 comes out soon. I'm so excited. Gonna see it in IMAX 3D, probably gonna wet myself. It'll be great. Absolutely fantastic. I'm excited. Hahaha.

Also, this is my 200th post guys! Hooray!

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