Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nice, Unshaven, Young People

As per usual, you guys are killing me with the overwehelming response to my requests for opinions. And thank you so much for that. Your silence is.... Well, it's annoying really. But whatever BEST FRIENDS, I'll just do it myself. Hahaha.

Anyway, what do I have to post today? Ummmm, not too much. Let's see, I've basically finished the final battle section of my book. Still struggling with Aiden's dramatic pre-battle speech, which no one seems to want to help me with. I was kind of thinking that Aiden feels horrible about this whole thing maybe he should apologize for being to weak to destroy his brother twenty years ago and thank everyone for standing by him even though this is all his fault but I was told that that's "wussy" and would ruin his sense of honor or something like that? Which I don't think that it would. I think it's very mature. But, part of writing a good story is making sure that everyone gets it and I want people to see Aiden's side of things and feel like he's an excellent King because he really is, so ya know maybe that's not the way to go after all.

Umm, I decided to keep the scene in which Blaise rips Eclipse a new one for almost letting me die, like 10 minutes before the wedding. Hehehehe. I'm actually making it even more intense. Oh! And ya know what I noticed the other day when I was doing a cursory reading of my novel? Blaise swears more then any character in the whole book. He swears like a sailor! Oh Boy! Hahaha. Like in the course of the book Hiroshi swears like once. Emma swears once. Fiore swears a little. Angel and Aiden swear a little more. And then Blaise is just like AWR RAWR RAWR RAAAAWR?! It was actually kind of amusing for me too realize this. Hahaha.

And um, I literally just got side tracked and left this up and untouched for over an hour. Hahaha. Guess that means that I'm done now. Bye Bros! And don't forget to wish me luck with my scholarships! I've applied to like 3 a day for the past two months. Hahaha

1 comment:

Shadow Wolf said...

i got nothing i have failed a lot of speeches in my work then just said sod it.