Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Level of Ineptitude That Borders on the Imbecilic

Soooo........ Not that anyone cares, but I am working on the scene in which Aiden addresses the Imperial Court. Now, I've written about two pages worth of dialouge in which Aiden tells his dear friend Kiara, who (for those of you that don't pay any attention) is the Empress of Rayet, all about what's happened and how his evil brother has returneded from exile on a mission to destroy everything. And then I stopped and was like, do I really want to write all this and then have to re-explain it to the whole court? Or should I simply write a transition in which I simply mention that Aiden restates all of that information? Well..... Phuck if I know Bros!

I like the exchange between Aiden and Kiara because they're friends and allies, they kind of grew up togeteher in the same way that Angel has grown up with Andromina, so it makes sense that she would be more concerned for him then the others. It also makes sense that he would be more open with her then he would with the entire court. Which is nice. I like opening Aiden up now and then. However, I don't know what's best for the scene. I may have to write it both ways and then ask for an opinion from you all, but oh wait, you guys never give me an opinion when I really need one. -glare- So, as usual, I'll just wing it. But if by some miracle, someone does feel the need to comment with anything helpful then your input is always welcome Dears.

This is Blaise.
He is sexy and awesome.
Look deep into his eyes,
He's hypnotizing, is he not?
Yes, he is.
And you know what Blaise wants you to do for him?
Pretend that you care about my Blog.

Annnnnnd if sexy hypnotic Blaise doesn't work then I have Angel!
My violent lesbian twin sister who has anger issues.
And Angel says....
Well, what Angel says is the kind of stuff that you ought not repeat infront of small children.
But the jist of it is,
You guys are useless.
-cough, cough-
Reading my blog all the time but never helping me out when I ask for opinions is pointless!

And that's Jenga!
Night Guys
-Lita Kaye

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