Monday, May 7, 2012

Laundromat of Love, Kitchen of Starvation

Okay. So, this post is about Hiroshi. As you all should know, but probably few actually remember, Hiroshi is afraid that his husband is going to die in the final battle because Kerian is a crazy bastard and what not. And it is a just fear because Aiden does die! But only temporarily, because as a few of us know, Hiroshi broke all the laws of nature and things like that, crossed over the line into the realm of dark magic and whatever to create THE HIGH PRIESTESS SOLESTINA'S PHOENIX?! (Inspired by an episode of Warehouse 13, don'tcha know. Thank you so much for blowing up the Warehouse and killing Artie, MacPhearson. Hahaha.) Which has the power to resurrect someone who has died, but ONLY if they happen to be holding it when they die. Which is all well and good. NOW! Originally, I was just planning on having Hiroshi give Aiden the Phoenix the night before the battle. But it was suggested to me.... um, like 3 years ago, that I should do a scene about Hiroshi making the silly thing. Which might be interesting, though at the moment I don't actually have a specific process for making the Pheonix in mind. So, I'd have to think one up. Also, if I do add this scene then I'd want it to be more then just Hiroshi making this thing. And I think that I'd want it to be rather dramatic. Cause it's dangerous to make one of these things, it's hard and if you do it wrong you can kill someone and all that nonsense because if it weren't then why would it be forbidden, right? Hahaha. So, what I would do if I add this scene would be to have Hiroshi make the thing and then right at the end when he adds his blood or something like that, something will happen and it'll blow him through a wall or he'll collapse or something. And then I'm thinking that either Fiore or Krystal will have to find him, because they've got the least going on in this particular storyline. But wait! Dangerous and forbidden nonsense going on in Aiden's house and Aiden doesn't know about it? No surely not. That's highly unrealistic! Yes it is, but I've got this totally covered. If I add this scene it will take place while Aiden is at or on route for his meeting at the Imperial Club House because if I were doing something sneaky and illegal to save my husband's life that I know very well that he would protest too then I would do it when he was otherwise engaged. Cause that's just common sense no? Totally! Hahahaha.

And that's all I have for you today. Except that I'm considering letting Blaise kick Eclipse in the face. X3 As usual helpful comments are always welcome. Ciao. -Mistress Kaye


Shadow Wolf said...

well in regards to the phoenix thing being dangerous is a great idea. i am going to reference Dragon Age and say that Blood Magic is dangerous because it calls demons. the reason it is forbidden is because the mage could be easily possessed.

but i love kicking people. i do not know why blaise is kicking Eclipse but whatever. i on several occasions kick the Fox out of the way of things and get kicked a lot myself for being stupid.

Anonymous said...

i think that when he goes away would be a great time for them to be making it. and will it have a negative consequence when it is used? like will someone else die? him talk to himself randomly about weird things? make it seem like he aged rapidly, so he looks a lot older?

you could also have them be making it down in the basement, and when the thing explodes it shakes the whole castle and thats why they krystal or whoever goes to look for them.