Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Bang Whack Wiggle Wiggle

Okay, soooooo, I need help Bros. Remember when I was talking about Emma's powers and I ended up breaking down and changing her Tiger-ness to Panther-ness because I wanted her tail to be black and not striped? Well.... I'm not so sure about that anymore. Cause, as anyone who actually knows me will tell you, Tigers are near and dear to my heart and they're endangered and their preservation is like one of the number one causes out there that I support. So, Tigers are a big deal to me. Which is why I made Emma a Tiger in the first place. But then I started thinking that the stripes on her tail might look funny. Which is why I changed it to a Black Panther. But.... I'm really not sure about that anymore.

Not that I don't love Panthers and not that they don't need our attention just as much as Tigers do, I just have a soft spot for the big striped cat. So, what do I do? Go back to the Tiger for it's personal meaning to me, in hopes that I might preach a little conservation in the process. Stick with the Panther for it's sleek black look. Veer off to the left and choose a Snow Leopard because they're so damn cute. Go way off the map and chose a Puma because the Puma is the big cat that's closest to the Fox's level. I don't know!

Opinions Please!

Also, how many of you only clicked on this post because of hat pictures of the Jedi Squirrels? Don't be shy now. You can tell me the truth.

1 comment:

Shadow Wolf said...

well this is another situation of how does she fight. where both tigers and panthers are stealthy and sly panthers are more so. and tigers are much more aggressive fighters. i also think that panthers are more faithful to their mates. so that is something to think about