Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Gonna Be A Happy New Year

And not so Loyal Fans, and Family Members and Random People who just sort of stumbled onto my SUPER FABULOUS BLOG
.....OF DEATH!!!?!!
I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, because let's be honest, how many people actually manage to keep them? .....Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Very few people. But that's besides the point. I am feeling very, very good about this coming year and I'm not a hundred percent sure why, but I honestly don't care! Because I feel great! Hahaha. And I think that I might just make a Resolution this year.
The problem is, I just don't know what kind of Resolution to make....
It seems like all of my friends are making resolutions about Love. Whether it be to fall in love or find a boyfriend or something to that effect. But I can't really do that because I already have a Boyfriend and We are in Love!
I'm rather interested to see exactly how long it takes for my Boyfriend to find that little message up there. Aren't you? Hehehehe. Anyway! Ummm, yea. So, the only other things that I can think of to make a Resolution about would be School, My Book, Working Out, Karate.
But I'm pretty set with school. I mean I got accepted into the college that I really, really wanted to get into. And my grades were good last semester. I may or may not get screwed over next semester as far as my transfer credits. But it is possible for me to work that out... I think. Karate is also pretty good. I should be getting my Requirements so I can test for Third Degree this Summer. But I'm not sure if I want to go for that or not. I mean, it might be a little crazy, trying to move and get ready for the test and all that junk all at the same time. And I work out with my Mum twice a week. And on the days I don't go to the gym with her, I go with my girls after classes. So that's pretty good. And, lately I have been ripping through the scenes of my book. Just writing ALL THE BLOODY TIME! And I know that I haven't posted any of it for you guys but, let's be honest. You don't read it. And on the off chance that you do, you don't comment. On the Blog or in Person. Soooooo, you are absolutely no help in that department! Hahaha.
Anyway, that's my New Years Resolution Dilemma to date. But don't worry! I'll come up with something good. Hahaha.
Happy New Year Guys!
Welcome 2011 with a smile and good cheer,
be nice and don't discard your urine
and let's make it all for one and all for love.

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