Friday, January 7, 2011

Thanks I Could Help Bro!

Okay, so as the three people who read this blog have told me, repeatatively, I have been slacking off with the updates! So today, I have a totally relevant and semi interesting post you! ...And thanks for the harassment by the way Guys. -sarcasm-

-Firstly we have Angel's arch rival.

As you may or may not recall, I have gone back and forth and back and forth about what to name this stupid wench. Well I have finally decided on that! Her name shall be, wait for it! ....Selene. Yesh! Selene! Why you ask? I don't know! Deal with it! Hahaha.

Anyway, that's my final anwser. At least until next week or a month or two from now when I suddenly decide that I hate the name Selene. But I really, really hope that that doesn't happen. I am so sick of working on this stupid wench. Hahaha.

-Next order of bussiness is Selene's face! Remember how I suddenly decided that I absolutely hated her original character ref? Well I made some new ones for ya! Enjoy. And please ignore the super crappy pictures. Sun glare seriously ruins my Macgyvered screen shots. Hahaha.
Personally, I'm leaning toward this first one. I like the black hair that fades into brown at the bottom. It's kinda pretty. Works with the hooker make up. And matches her pretty new Hazily Brown eyes. I think it sort of gives the air of a stuck up bitch who thinks she entitled to everything and has a massive inferiority complex. Ya know, basically what I was going for. Haha.

These next two are exactly the same hair in two diffrent colors! -gasp-

Holy messy blue bun Batman!!! Hahaha. I lover this hair. It's so pretty. Hahaha. And the blue still looks pretty with the hooker make up and her eyes. So it's all good.
And the pinkish red version. Complements the eyes and hooker make up. It's very nice, isn't it? Haha. This one is leading in popularity with the two people that I asked to their faces/via text message. But then again, both of them are very baised toward red heads, soooo yea. Anyway, I'm just a bit hesitant to pick the red one for Selene, just because Angel's hair as red in it and Emma's hair is red. And I don't want too many red heads running around my castle!!?! Hahah. Actually, Elonwey and Aurora are also red heads, but their not in any of the scenes with Selene, so that's fairly irelevant, isn't it? Haha.

Sooo, yea. That may be a silly thing to worry about. But that's what I do! Deal with it!!?!!?!!!

-And moving right along! My little brother Xander is the focus of this next issue. Remember how a few posts ago, I was complaining about how I was trying to rename Xanathos and I totally forgot what I was gona change his name too? Well, in trying to remember what that stupid name was I started thinking of other cool names that I have yet to use. And I decided that Xander is not the most interesting name that I could have used for my baby brother. So I think I'm going to change it to something much more interesting and befitting of a changeling. And what is that name you ask? Well I'll tell you. It's....
Yesh! Fiore! It sounds cool doesn't it? That's because it is! So cool! Wanna know where I got it? I bet you'll never guess!? Never! .....I got it from Sailor Moon!?!! I know, blows your mind don't it? He was a hott, alien, bad guy in one of the Sailor Moon movies with blue hair and green skin and was totally in love with Darien! Hahaha. Anyway, me and My Princeling love it. And I think that Angel, Emma and Fiore sounds just as good together as Angel, Emma and Xander ever did. Haha. Because that sort of thing is another one of those stupid things that I obsess and worry about!

Anyway, in changing Xander's name to Fiore, two things happened. One! Angel can no longer call her brother XandoZan. Which is hillarious. So, I'll have to come up with some other annoying nick name for her to use. And two! I was inspired to change in appearance. Kinda of.
You see, at the moment Xander/Fiore natural state is the spitting image of his father, Aiden. (Except he's supposed to have silver streaks in his hair) Which I think is pretty freakin adorable actually.

Hehehehe. Lookit how adorable he is!?
Anyway, then all of a I was like wait a second here!!! Xander/Fiore is a changling/shapeshifter! He can look however he wants too! And then I felt stupid for not thinking of that one sooner. Haha. So, I have decided that Xander/Fiore's natural state shall look just like the picture above and that his perfered form shall be the picture below.
Hehehe! Lookit how freakin adorable he is! Dontchu love his hair? I do! It's like my favorite male hair ever! Sooooo pretty! And colorfuuuul! And I think that it makes him look much more interesting and unique! So, yea. I love it! You should too! Hahaha.

-Then lastly we have Kikyo! Yes. I decided that I hated her character reference around the same time I decided that I hated Selene's. So I remade her. And I really like how it came out!
Tada! Kikyo! I think that this picture reference makes her look a lot more like the raging psychopath that she is.
You should! Hahaha.

Anyway, She's got pinkish-red skin with white facial markings. And Magenta eyes to match. I may change her eye make up a bit. And perhaps use a diffrent set of Magenta eyes. (I was thinking of maybe using slitted, cat like eyes actually.) But this is essentailly how I want her to look.

-And I was planning on posting about Hawk as well. But I accidently deleted all of my pictures of him. So I have to remake him. O_- Which sucks! But it won't take that long, I'm just feeling pretty lazy right now! Haha. But it's all good.
And still no progress has been made on the coming up with a Resolution. And that's pretty much all that I have for you guys at the moment. I thank you for reading it! But I'll love you forever if you comment on it and tell what the hell you think of it! Hahaha.

Ta Ta For Now!
-Lita Kaye

1 comment:

layfon said...

i personally like the blue haired version of selene, i like the name change to fiore. but by that picture im not a huge fan of the white facial markings on kikyo