Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Numa Numa Yay! Numa Numa Numa Yay!

Maaaaayyaaahhh-HA HA!
Yesh. That's right. I brought Numa Numa into this. But the good Numa Numa of course! The Miyavi Version. Ya know, the one that actually sounds good and isn't nearly as annoying as the original. Hahaha. But I digress.... before the post has even started. Hahaha.

And now for something completely diffrent, THE POINT OF THIS POST!?!! Hahaha.

Hmmmaky. So basically, I was thinking about names and such. Still racking my brain cavity trying to remember what the hell I wanted to change Kazuo's name too when I go to thinking, Radic isn't a particularly epic name, is it? .... -shrugg- I'm not so crazy about it anymore. I was thinking about changing it to Reznik. Which is just fun to say, eh? Hahaha. Anyway, I don't think think that it would mess anything up too bad if I just changed the name. Do you?

Drop a comment, tell me what you think, I KNOW THAT YOU WON'T! And really, I appericaite all of your none exsistance advice and comments. Truely your support is overwhelming! -dripping sarcasm-

Much Love!
-Lita Kaye.
Numa Numa Yay!
Numa Numa Yay!
Numa Numa Numa Yay!

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