Thursday, December 9, 2010

All For One and All For Love

Aiyaaaaaah! O_-

Okay. So just recently, which in this case means literally two seconds ago, I decided that I absolutely hate calling my Planet/Universe, The Makai. I hate it! It's stupid. It's lame. Now I need to think of something else to call it. Loverly.

I haven't decided to what I wish to change it yet though. Maybe one of the names that I rejected using for my countries? I don't know. But I'm working on it.... Kinda.... Alright! Alright! I'll get to it eventually. I'm not that concerned about it at the moment.

And speaking of naming things, I decided that I was going to rename Kazuo. And I came up with something unbelievably brilliant as a substitute annnnnnnnnd then I forgot it. I think that it started with an S or a K or maybe even a C. But that's literally all that I remember. And it's driving me a bit insane, not gonna lie. -sigh- And apprently, this was the ONE detail of my book that I asked absolutely NO ONE for their opinion on! So no body even knew that I was thinking of chagning his name, let alone what the hell I wanted to change it too..... Oh well. Maybe it'll come back to me, eventually.... Hahaha.

Also!! I think that I have finally decided that I want Kerian's daughter's name to be, Lillith. Because if you recall I switched Kikyo and Kiska's roles in my book and then turned around and decided that I hated the name Kiska. Hahahaha. So yea. I think I'ma go with Lillith. I don't know why. I just think that it fits.

Annnnndddd I remade the picture references for Lillith and Kikyo. And I even attempted Darnell's partner, Hawk, for the first time EVAR!?!! And I'm not gonna lie I think that he looks pretty good. Hehehe. He doesn't look quite as much like Link as I would have hoped. But I did the best I could with what I have And it's really, really hard to find hair that looks enough like Link's!

Hahaha. I know what you're thinking, excuses, excuses Kitty. Just shut up and show us the pictures already!

Weeeeeeeeellllll, I'm not gonna! I'm gonna have a sandwhich. Deal with it. Hahaha. Just kidding, I'll show them to you guys sometime after I've decided exactly how skanky I wish to make Lillith and what color skin I wish for Kikyo to have. (I'm leaning toward pinkish-red at the moment.) Also! I may well change Xanathos' name to Marik! Because I love, love, love that name! Haha.

Now! To the "point" of this post!

I have been itching to write a Song Fic for sometime now, And I need you people to help me decide on which song to use! ....... -giggle fit- I can just picture the look on your faces when you realize exactly how pointless this post really is!?!! Hahaha!

Anyway! Here are the choices,
-Crawling, by Alice Cooper
-Shameless, by Billy Joel
-Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen
-Because You Live, by Jesse McCartney
-Without You, by Jesse McCartney
-Feels Like the First Time, by Foreigner
-I'd Come for You, Nickelback
-Gotta be Somebody, Nickelback

There are a bunch more. But for now I've narrowed it down to these ones. So, VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES!?!!! Or if you don't know any of these songs .....then, just pick one at random. And if no body votes, like I suspect will be the case, theeeeen I'll just pick one at random.

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