Monday, August 9, 2010

What's a Motto to You?

Alright, I'm super bored. And I got a half an hour before I need to leave for my gawd awful job, so... whoose up for another irrelevant post? I know I sure as hell am.

Today's subject: Inspiring words and personal mottos.

- "Everything is beautiful, Let the Music carry you. Baby, I will follow you forever. No wehere else I'd rather be when your lying next to me. Let the Music carry us together."

- "The Chad is stuck."

- "Don't let that one love tear your world apart."

- "If only we had an electric Beaver!!?!"

- "I want to breathe without feeling so self conscious. But it's hard when the world's staring at you."

- "I don't belive in "No Win" situations."

- "Bazinga."

- "Life's more painless, for the brainless."

- "You either die a Hero or live long enough to see yourself become a Villan."

- "Death before Blindness."

- "That is very, very good my friend! -dramatic Gandalf impression- You fell through fire and through water and everyday was as long as a life age of the Earth! But you grabbed your germy opponent and punched him in the face repeatedly! And smoute his ruin upon the moutian side! And for that I salute you! HAZZAHH!?!!"

- "Everybody's got a voice. Now's the time to make some noise."

- "If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything."

- "You can take my head and cut it off but, you ain't gonna change my mind."

- "One such as you, should never be anything less then what you are."

- "No course is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it."

- "I'm through accepting limits cause someone says there so. Somethings I can not change, but til I try I'll never know."

- "Ain't nothing but a thing." Hahaha. Whatever that means.

- "Minutes are worth more then money. Spend them wisely."

- "I might get lonely, but I'm never alone."

- "To die would be an awfully big adventure."

- "Some Men aren't looking for anything Logical. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

- "When someone tells you that your children are Angels, are you tempted to remind them, that Lucifer was too?"

- "I'm a bitch. I'm a lover. I'm a child. I'm a mother. I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell. I'm your dream. I'm nothing inbetween. And you know I wouldn't have it any other way."

- "What are you hurting for? What are you searching for? Love."

- "And I can't think of a better way to waste my time, then trying..."

- "We've been given anwsers, still we're walking cancers, dressed up as life."

- "Hey, Why don't you go play with some balls or something Kid?"

- "I hate the way I need you when I don't know where you are."

- "Oh say can you see, my eyes? If you can then my hair's too short!?"

- "They can't break me, as long as I know who I am."

- "A matteress for a murder confession is a pretty good deal."

- "I'm not gonna let Dimitri turn mom into an onion!"

- "Wrong or right, black or white, if I close my eyes, it's all the same."

- "And when things go bump in the night, these guys shoot it."

- "I'm sorry that I'm late, I had to "choke the Nun" if you know what I mean."

- "Baby, there ain't no mountian high enough. Ain't no valley low enough. Ain't now river wide enough. To keep me from getting to you babe!"

- "Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?"

- "You are my exception."

- "I wanna die with you Wendy on the streets tonight in an ever lasting kiss."

- "The heart can beat the hate."

- "If you've never seen an Elephant Ski then you've never been on Acid."

- "There are nights, you swear you were born to lose."

- "You've got to bring the heat, set the pace, competition, take the lead. This is it. All eyes on you, so stay on point and prove that you deserve what's long over due. Live your dreams. It's not as hard as it may seem. You gotta work to get the cream, on your hopes you must lean. From your fears, you've got to win yourself. It's all or nothing, give your everything!"

- "Can I take my pants off over my head? ,,,, No, of course not. My body is in the way."

- "I would give anything to have you kiss me in the middle of the street on the rainiest day of the year."

- "I don't like all of these lame wedding shows. I mean seriously, what gives some skinny white guy of questionable sexuality the right to tell me that everything about my dream wedding is wrong? Honestly, if I wanna get married dressed as Master Chief then I think I should be able too."

- "And I'll take you for who you are. If you take me for everything. I'd do it all over again. But it's always the same."

- "We're all the same color when you turn out the light."

- "You can't help who you love."

- "Together we can live with the sadness and I'll love you with all the madness in my Soul."

- "One man can be the difference between victory and defeat."

- "Loneliness ain't killing me no more. 'Cause I'm stronger then yesterday."

- "Eat sheild, Stabby."

- "There is a madness to the method."

- "We're all stronger then we know."

- "Do or do not. There is no try."

- " Don't you know you can go be your own miracle."

- "Never start a fight unless you're sure you can win."

- "Sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."

- "Nothing is trivial."

- "True love never dies."

- "It's time to end this ones and for all."

- "I called you a whore and broke down your door, but you don't even hate me. And how can I heal when you won't even feel? Why won't you hate me?!"


- "Hate is easy, love takes courage."

- "Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to use it."

- "I am not just some prize to be won."

- "Every hands a winner and every hands a loser and the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

- "Dying is a day worth living for."

- "Life is a bitch and so am I."

- "Walk away before I finish what you started."

- "Hit me with your best shot, knock me down it's all in vain, I'll get back up on my feet again."

-"Now I'm gonna draw the line, cause you ain't gonna take my mind."

- "Victims, aren't we all?"

- "The power is yours!?"

- "You don't own me. I'm not one of your many toys."

- "I've seen your world with these very eyes, don't come any closer, don't even try. I've felt all the pain, heard all the lies, and in my world there is no compromise."

- "Even youths grow tired and weary, even young men stumble and fall. But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength! They will soar of wings like Eagles! And will walk and not grow faint!"

- "Don't let no body tell you that your life is over."

- "I'd be happy to die for a taste of what Angel had, someone to live for, unafraid to say I love you."

- "How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out til your torn apart. RENT! How can you connect in an age where strangers, land lords, lovers your own blood cells betray? What binds the fabric together when the raging, shifting winds of change keep ripping away!"

- "Betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope."

- "Would you like to "Fluff my Garfeild?" If you know what I'm saying..."

Hahaha. Yea. So, those are just a bunch of quotes that I like. Words to live by in my opinion.... Anyway, they're all from songs and movies and I even managed to quote Yoda and some fortune cookies in there some where. Hahaha. There are many, many, many more. But this is all that I can think of at the moment/feel like typing out, right now. Sooooo, maybe I'll post some more later. Maybe not. Either way, hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my mind.


Shadow Wolf said...

"when we bleed we bleed the same"
"all your faries turn to dust"
"war is war hell is hell between the two war is worse"
"still rock n' roll"
"love is our resistance"
"have you ever loved someone so much all you want is for them to be happy. even if they wake up with another man"
"everything about you is so easy to love"
"our hearts are one forever and our love will never die"

Lita Kaye said...

"If you don't know me, don't judge me."

"She's always a woman to me."

"Hell is living without your love. I ain't nothing without your touch. Even heaven would feel like hell, if I'm living without you."

"So fill the empty space with another pretty face. Your skin deep, no one will ever be perfect in your eyes."

"He's just a mean, old man without a mommy."

"Twuuue Lowwve."

"And I would walk 500 miles, then I would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door."

"When honor's at stake, this vow I will make. Yea! Now, it's all for one and all for love. Let the one you hold be the one you want, the one you need."

"Do you live, do you die, do you bleed for the fantasy?"

"It's a beautiful lie, it's a perfect denial. Such a beautiful lie to believe in..."

What I really wanted was the speech that the old guy, gave to Jodie, right after he took all those pills. Hahaha. But I didn't have time to watch the episode and I can't find it on the internet.