Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pimps and Junkies and Whores? ... Oh my!

Okay, so this post is pretty much just an update. I was looking through my pictures and SIMS and what not the other day and I decided that I hated Lucian. I mean for the love of Gackt. I knew his hair was aweful and glitched when I chose it for him originally. But I was looking at it the other day and I literally couldn't stand the sight of it.... I also decided that he needed diffrent eyes.

So!?!! I went back and changed him. And here for the World to see is my brand new Lucian.

He's kinda cute, right? Hahaha. I like him alot. He looks much less silly and more leader like now. Which is a good thing for a leader, I think. Hahaha. Anyway, that's my new Lucian. Love him!?!!

1 comment:

Shadow Wolf said...

i love him.. was the old lucian have colored skin as well