Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah, I NEVER LIE!?!!

Alright. So, I was talking to my beloved Kirapaws <3


-Firstly, Nicademus and Lucian were bestest best friends. And it is a well known fact that after Nicademus ran away from home, he travelled with the RoQuero for sometime. So, it stands to reason that Nicademus, would have still been with them when Blaise joins the RoQuero. Which would also better explain, why Blaise and Nicademus are as close as they are.

I mean, originally, Nicademus basically only agrees to help Blaise and Emma, out of respect for Lucian and the fact that Emma is his Grand Daughter. However, when you think about it, and examine everything that goes on between them in this book, you realize that Blaise gets away with an awful lot of things on Nic's ship and brings him alot of grief and in the end Nic still loves him. And I think that if Nic was there with Lucian and watched Blaise grow up a little bit and pherhaps if he thought of Blaise as his little brother or something, that that would better explain their bond.

-Which brings us to my next point. Nicademus has a pretty good life with the RoQuero, why would he leave them? Well, I've got the answer to that one too!

It has been decided that Nicademus will be at the fight in which Lucian is murdered. In fact, I think that I'm going to have him lose his right eye in that fight. Instead of having him lose it when he challenges the current Pirate King for his title. Because I think it'll be a little more dramatic. And, that will also bring the total of people that Blaise cares about that get wounded in that fight up to three. Which will add to his rage, which will fuel the brutal murder of the psychotic demon that has basically destroyed his life twice. Because this is the same demon that killed his family, all those years ago, remember?

I'm thinking of letting Blaise boil this guy's blood in his veins before he takes up Lucian's sword and just destroys this guy beyond all recognition. Saving Nicademus in the process. I'll give you the break down of that Battle in another post.

Lucian dies slowly, because although his wounds aren't fatal, the venom that the psychopath injected into his system keeps Lucian's body from being able to heal the wounds. So he just keeps bleeding. Which sucks. But before Lucian dies, he names Blaise as his successor, even though Blaise is only like 15. But you already knew all of that.

Anyway, Nicademus will stay with Blaise and back him up. Taking it upon himself to make sure that Lucian's final wish is respected, regardless of whether Blaise is fit to lead the RoQuero or not, until the rest of the RoQuero realize that Blaise is actually a very good leader and accept him as such. And after that, Nicademus will begin to wander again.

-I have finally begun work on this psychotic killer's character references. I was thinking of making him a Black Widow Spider or a Scorpion or something to that effect. A snake might even work. Ya know something, poisonous and creepy and such. I'll show you the picture of what I have so far eventually. Hahaha.

-Now, let's talk about Atreyu, Nicademus' not son. I believe that I originally listed Atreyu as an Empath, which I think is a really cool power. However, I have decided that it isn't a very useful power for Demon Pirate. So, in light of this decision, I have changed Atreyu into an Air Bender!?!! Not literally, of course. I mean, he's not going to run around dressed as a Monk now or anything, he's just going to be a fantastic air bender.
Which I have decided is one of the reasons that Nicademus' ship is literally the fastest in the world. He's always got the wind at his back. <3>

-Now the girlfriend. I've decided that I don't like her name, Levia, anymore and that I shall change it. Too what, I haven't decided yet. But It will change. Her powers will also change. You see, originally she was post cognitive. Because that was important to the plot. She needed to see Nic and Blaise's separate pasts in order for a most dramatic scene that I wrote to happen. However, now that I have changed Blaise and Nic's pasts to include one another, that scene is no longer needed. And neither is a post cognitive Vaikas. So, I think that I'll make her Empathic instead.

Annnddd, I think that that is pretty much it, for my most recent bout of changes to the plot. Hahaha. Um, I've been making some super fabulous new character references. So, I'll post those soon..... GOOD DAY!?!!

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