Thursday, February 25, 2010

You Don't Own Me

Okay, so I am sooooo Tragically Bored. And I mean Tragically. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have 4 classes back to back. However this week, my Forensics class was cancelled because the professor is out of town. And normally that wouldn't be a problem for me, but that is not my last class! So, I have to hang out in the school Laibrary with NOTHING to do for 2 straight hours before my Criminology class. I don't have anything to study. I can't work on my english paper because it's all on my computer at home..... So I'm just going to fascinate you all, with another truely fascinating and totally interesting recap of my dreams, because I am so bored. Hahahaha. Enjoy!

Alrite, so I had this dream a while ago, actually long before I had those other two dreams I posted about, and this particular dream was entirely in 3rd person...which is strange, I guess. And it was very reminiscent of Silent Hill....

Anyway, the dream starts out with this little girl, who looks a much cuter version of the girl who played Alessa/Sharon in the Silent Hill movie, and she's running around in this huge feild. Then her mom starts calling her, so she turns around and runs back to the house. And their house is very bland. You know, not much color. Kinda small. Etc. Etc. And the mom and Alessa sit down and start eating dinner. Then all of a sudden, one of the plates goes flying off the table and smashes into a million peices and the doors and windows start rattling and stuff. Alessa is screaming.

So, after a minute or so of listening to Alessa's brain peircing screaming, the mom gets up, totally calm and picks up the phone to call an exorcist. Because apprently their house is haunted. Hahahaha. Anyway, the exorcist arrives at the house, literally 30 seconds later, and he looks like Dresdan from the Dresdan files. Which is strange, cause not only does it actually make sense that Dresdan would be an exorcist, I haven't watched that show in months. Hahaha. So Dresdan comes in and he starts doing his thing. You know, he's got some weird looking magical tuning fork or whatever it was, and he starts walking around looking for spirits. Then all of a sudden he stops and says he's found something. -gasp-

The very next second, the mom, who was standing with Dresdan, gets thrown across the room and this huge, almost transparent, ghost looking goo monster appears and attacks Dresdan. And Dresdan is no match for this things goo powers?! So he gets trapped in the corner, while this thing just beats on him. And Alessa is standing in the corner, holding two cats and looking horrified. Then Dresdan starts screaming at her, I need the artifact! I need the artifact! Whatever that means...

Anyway, Alessa runs up the stairs, grabbing a third random cat along the way, locks the cats in the bathroom and then runs into her mother's room and grabs her cellphone.... Apprently Alessa didn't understand what he meant by "Artifact" either. So she comes down stairs and throws her mom's cellphone at the monster and, of course, nothing happened. He merely continued to slowly kill Dresden.

Then, all of a sudden, Alessa gets stabbed in the shoulder by a demon/witch that looks suspciously like a cross between Zoicite and The Battle Royale Girl.... And Alessa screams and grabs, like a frying pan or something off of the dining room table and wacks Zoi Royale upside the head with it. Then she runs, past the goo monster, into the living room. And Zoi Royale, stumbles when she gets hit, then smirks and teleports in between Alessa and the front door, then Zoi Royale stabs Alessa in the chest. Then?! She uses her super mind powers to pull down this huge book shelf on top of Alessa, and it crushes her legs and Alessa dies?!

And that wasn't even the end?! Then Zoi Royale reaches down and rips out Alessa's heart, and she's holding it in her hand, and there blood everywhere. Then Alessa gets up, huge gaping hole in her chest, stab wounds, covered in blood, and the most insane twisted smile plays across her super pale face. And Zoi Royale starts making this speech, you know the kind that Rod Sterling makes at the end of an episode of The Twilight Zone. I don't remember the words exactly, but it was something about how she wanted that image of her ripping Alessa's heart out to be the last thing every child sees or remembers before they go to sleep and that she was coming for you. It was slightly disturbing... Then, Alessa and Zoi Royale come flying straight at me, like a bat outta hell or one of those effects that's suppose to make you jump at a 3D movie.

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed that. Hahaha.


viccicat said...

Rly rly weird dream, poor Twitty, sounds like it sucks to be him.

viccicat said...

OOps sorry I read two atthe same time, so my first comment to this one belongs to the last one.

I thinx youz is playing too much silent hillz... Yikes. I doesn't lykes your dream.