Monday, April 13, 2009

Stomp the catbox?

TADA! Another peice of my story! Love it?!

Kneeling on the ground beside her, the mysterious man threw his arm around her and pulled Emma close to him, “Brace yourself.” He said, holding onto her shoulders tightly. She immediately grabbed a hold of the stranger. Emma didn't know what he was going to do, but she got the feeling it would be dangerous. Reaching into his pocket, the mysterious man withdrew what appeared to be several small, wrinkled, scraps of paper and whipped them at the oncoming truck.

Unfurling themselves in mid air, the paper flew surprisingly straight, slicing through the air like a knife, until they connected with the trucks heavy metal frame, little more then 15 feet in front of them. Emma gasped, feeling suddenly like she was watching this horrific scene unfold before her in slow motion.

Upon impact the paper flattened against the truck, not unlike a wet noodle being thrown against the wall, and crushed the truck beneath it. The screech of twisting metal was deafening and the truck was quickly beginning to look like it had been run straight into a solid brick wall at sixty miles per hour, instead of a few flimsy pieces of paper.

As soon as the smoke had cleared and he had determined it was safe to approach the vehicle, the Stranger silently pried himself out of Emma’s death grip and moved to check on the driver. Waving his hand casually over one of the strips of paper, in a Jedi like manner, as he walked by. After which it floated softly to the ground, almost as if he had given it permission to fall.

Meanwhile Emma’s head was reeling. And she found it completely impossible to wrap her mind around what had just happened. That man had shown up out of no where and destroyed an entire truck with a few pieces of scrap paper! There was no logical way to explain that! Oh man, why did everything seem so unreal and confusing all of a sudden?

The man frowned as he looked through the shattered glass and into the wrecked truck, the air bag had deployed, and he hated those stupid things. Wrapping the excess material of his shirt sleeve around his fist to protect himself, the Stranger punched out what was left of the driver’s side window, as casually as possible. Then reached inside and ripped the airbag out of the steering wheel, so he could get to the driver. There was a large bloody gash over his right eye, but after checking his pulse, the mysterious man determined that he was unconscious, not dead. He mentally breathed a sigh of relief as her mumbled under his breath, “Good.”

As soon as she was able to tear her eyes away from the wreckage before her, Emma noticed that one of the Stanger’s peculiar scraps of paper was within arms reach of where she was sitting. It must have been blown over by the wind or something. Curiosity getting the better of her, like it usually did, Emma reached out and picked it up. It was long and thin and much more, grainy then regular computer paper, with a series of long swirly symbols she didn’t recognize, written on it in dark blue ink. It didn’t look all that special to her, although it did remind her of those paper talismans Sailor Mars used to…


“Ah!” Emma startled at the sudden noise and dropped the talisman, jumping quickly to her feet.

“Are you alright?” The Stranger asked, as he stepped out from behind the wreckage, a hint of concern in his voice.

“Uh…” Emma blushed upon seeing her Rescuer's face for the first time. He was gorgeous. Tall, with an athletic build, pale skin, dark, piercing blue eyes and messy black hair, that faded into purple in the bottom two inches. Needless to say, he blew Jason right out of the water.

“Are you alright?”

“Oh! Yea, I’m fine.”

“Good.” The Stranger replied, flashing her a dazzling smile before throwing a small fist full of sparkling blue powder in her face. Emma immediately felt faint and after another inhale or two, lost consciousness completely.

I'm still playing with the wording alittle bit, but still I thought it would be nice to post what I had. Hope you liked it!

And again. Sorry the editting is so slow.


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

querida, guess what? I LOVED IT!!! no really, it was great. though i have to be honest. there were some grammatical errors, but i can help you out with that if you want me to!^^ this is a great beginning to a fine piece of art. keep up the great work!! btw, i still love the title!<3

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Which one? You have three. And I'm not going to lie,they confuse me a little bit.

Unknown said...

hot stuff. i did like the strips of paper. all i can say is i understand the effect and all that. the driverbeing an idiot but a innocent person being hurt hits me but i did love the scene

viccicat said...

It works, but I don't think it is as powerful as the preceeding exerpt of the story. I agree that it could use a little editiong, I love the concept and I think that the visual is very good. I think you need a sentence in there somewhere as to how quickly this all happened that if she had blinked she might have missed it, that she could almost beleive she didn't see it it was sos fast. The timing of the previous passage was great, this part seems almost as though without some description of how fast it was it is going to seem as though too much happened in too little time, maybe you want to add some commentary as to time seemed to have slowed down just for them or something. Still it's very good.