Monday, April 27, 2009

Keep the dream Alive...

Alrite, so I have decided in an attempt to stall until I'm ready to post some more of my story, That I am going to outline my people's super cool demon powers, with specifics, limitations and examples and other shyt like that. So enjoy...or skip this post if you don't feel like reading one of my seriously loooooooong rants. lol

And I shall start with,


- Aiden is a Hawk Demon. He has a 15 foot wingspan, his feathers are dark brown with black flecks and stuff on them. (Like an actual Hawk's wings, basically.) His bones are hollow, and his muscles are lighter then average, which makes it easier for him to fly. All of Aiden's clothes are slit down the back so, he can snap out his wings easily and/or fold them up and out of sight. Aiden's stamina and reflexes are also very good and he can breathe even when there is very little oxygen in the air. He's also pretty fast and has exceptionally good eye sight, but those are really the only advantages to being a Hawk demon.

-If you've ever read Maximum Ride (Which I suggest you do) then you should understand where I'm going with/What I'm trying to do with Aiden here.


- Hiroshi is a Blood Alchemist. Which is something I made up. lol. It's basically regular alchemy, you know changing one thing into another and what not, but in Hiroshi's case he controls the transformation with his mind, you know shaping it, telling it what to become and stuff like that. And the catalyst is in his blood, or is is blood. (I have quite decided which yet.) Anyway, it's not the best offensive power, but it does come in handy sometimes.

-I haven't decided if I'm going to stick with this ability or not yet, cause I've changed his power like 38 times already. But at the moment I like the idea of it, so for the moment it'll do. lol

-Think of him like Ed Elric, from Full Metal Alchemist, only instead of an alchemy circle, he bleeds alchemic symbols on stuff. lol


-Angel is a Fire/Fox Demon. Angel can both control and create fire. She can force the flames to burn hotter, or put them out completely. However, if the fire goes beyond a certain temperature, she will lose control. It is impossible for Angel to burn herself, unless she looses control of her power. Her overall temperature and heart rate, naturally run higher then most demons. The Fox Demon aspect of Angel makes her being swifter/quicker then the average demon, but doesn't seem to give her any advantages in battle.


-Emma is a Lightning/Cat Demon. Emma can conjure up a thunder storm out of nowhere, and can control when and where the lightning strikes. She can also produce a pretty severe electrical charge, on comand/whenever she feels like it. (Like Pikachu?!) If Emma were to be struck by lightning, she would not be harmed.The main drawback to Emma's power is how much time, training, concentration, etc, etc it actually takes to control the lightning. The Cat Demon aspect contributes to Emma's exceptionally good balance and reaction time, but thoose appear to be her only advantages as far as thats concerned.


-Xander is a Shape Shifter. He can change his appearance to match that of anyone he's ever met. Even their voice. And in the case of demons, he can mimic their powers, but his imitation of power is never as strong as the original demon's, obviously. Xander is so good at this, he can even make up people on the spot and/or change a single aspect of himself, like his eyes or voice. On his own, in his original state, Xander's stamina is slightly better then average. But his strength and speed depend greatly on the form he is in, and is not overly impressive when he's not assuming another demon's shape. Shape Shifting is not the best offensive power, but Xander makes do by causing massive amounts confusion with it.

-Xander basically has the same powers as Mystique from X-Men or Envy from Full Metal Alchemist, with the one exception. When Xander shifts, his shadow does not change with him. Which I have decided is true to all shifters, but not widely known.


-Krystal is a "Touch Know." Meaning that when she touches someone or something, she instantly learns every significant thing that ever happened to it in the past and anything that's currently wrong with or bothering whatever she's touching. Which is part of what makes her such a great Doctor, She'll never misdiagnose you! However, the glitch is that she can only see past events through the person's eyes or from the objects point of view. This ability, clearly gives Krystal no offensive edge in battle. Good thing she doesn't intend to join the army anytime soon.

-Krystal's power's are basically the same as The Fishman Abraham, from Hellboy. I might look into making a few changes to Krys' power here and there to make it a little more unique, but I'm pretty happy with it as is, at the moment.


-Eclipse is a Dragon Demon. He has two main forms, Dragon and Normal, with a few degrees in between. And for the most part he can control the transformation, however sometimes under stress his body transforms regardless of his wishes. In his half-transformed state (Preferred over fully transformed) Eclipse can fly with his big scaly Dragon wings, has sharp fangs, and poisonous claws. Eclipse is also exceptionally strong, (Though you might not be able to tell by looking at him.) and his pain tolerance is pretty high. However his reaction time and reflexes are not the best.


- Kerian is a Necromancer. Also known as a Bone Sorcerer. Kerian basically has control over the dead. Meaning that he can raise skeletons and the recently fallen from their graves and make them fight for him. His powers are strongest over bones. For example, the handle of Kerian's sword is made of bone, which means he could throw it like a boomerang and make it come back to him everytime, despite the fact that swords do not fly very well. Although he's not strong enough to crush the bones of a living person (their life force tends to interfer with powers), he could potientally guide a broken rib, into stabbing you in the lungs. Which is creepy...

-Think of him as my beloved husband John Faust The 8th from Shaman King, only creepier, less german and....EVIL?!


-Kazuo is a Parasite and/or Life Draining Demon. What Kazuo does, basically, is drain life from people. In the case of demons, he steals their energy first making them too weak to use their powers, before he begins to drain the life out of them. He also has a little bit of a talent for stealing peoples energy from a far, a.k.a. without touching you. But he's a sick bastard and would prefer to look into your eyes as your dying, so he doesn't use that trick very often.

-You can think of Kazuo as having the same powers as Rogue, if you like. But they do differ a little. Just because Kazuo is touching you, doesn't mean your gonna die. (Although you often do.) He can decide when he wants to use his powers and when he doesn't. Actually, he's a little more like that crazy, sadistic, goth chick in Electra.

And there you have it. Another pointlessly long post that no one will read....Yay!


Celes said...

I think it would be neat if Hiroshi used alchemical symbols.



xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

hahhaha. Maybe he can write them IN BLOOD?!

Actually I supoose that would make it a little cooler, then you just bleeding all over everything all the time... But then again, I didn't want it to be a complete rip off of FMA. You know?

Celes said...

Hm, well, I was thinking he just writes like, one or two symbols as a command for his alchemy instead of just bleeding.

I'm sure you could easily find more of this stuff.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Your url was cut off again...

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

OH! Maybe I'll give him one of thoose special quills, that writes in your blood, via magical-ness?! lol. Like Harry Potter only, not.

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

so, i've decided officially that Angel and Emma are my favorite characters, jsyk. andand, i really liked the way you described Krystal. it sort of reminded me of what i saw from Rose Red. -which was discontinued due to insane baseball fans- -.- i believe one of the characters was described as a "touch know".

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Duh. Thats where I got the term. Although when I was writting this, I couldn't think of that stupid woman's name, so I didn't mention her.

And HELL YEA?! Angel should be your favorite, she's the phucking shyt! Emma, however is unfortunate in that she is based on me, there for making her not as awesome. lol.

But just out of curiousity, who was your favorite before?

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

Hiroshi. don't get me wrong, i still like him. the idea of a firestarter like that's just really got my interests...-grr- what do you mean it's unfortunate that Emma's based off you?! you's pretty amazing, you should know this by now. and to be part keetan and have lightning and other weather powers is awesome upon awesome. keep up the great work, dude!!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Yea. I like Hiroshi too. He's badass...but not really, you kno?

And Angel's pretty smexi too. lol

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

agreed.=D btw, if you see that you have a new's just can just delete that if you want.^^

Unknown said...

well my dear once again you have a better concept of things to write about than i. i love the powers of the characters. but no matter how many times i go back i will still not know who evey one is untill the story is writen. if you need a good laught i can tell you the powers i made for Shadow Wolf.

Unknown said...

one MORE thing. you know i do not know why i was thinking of this but you always hear Fire with fow of phinex but are they any other animals that could be linked with the flame. well tigers to but tiger does not link with a nother name you know. Fire Fox that works.

viccicat said...

Again, what can I say, I like it. Emma is awesome as she should be, she's based on awesome you so stop with that stuff!!! Fire fox, might be a little used, but you have such a differencr take on it, I don't feel that it's overused. I like Krystal's description and that she's a great Dr. I think that you have it wrong, usually Dragons are considered to be swift, not slower to react. Your choice. Keep up the great work.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

I was going with biology. Not mythology. Dragons, have huge bones and very bulky bodies, which biologically speaking, usually tends to make things slower as opposed to quicker.