Friday, April 3, 2009

Just a thought....

I was just pondering random cliche twin things to do with Angel and Emma during biology because the kids in the class somehow managed to confuse my teahcer into letting us watch a movie we've already watched three times about genetic disorders (Yippie...), and I started thinking, what if Emma has mood swings because of what Angel is feeling? And vice versa.

This could be one of the reasons she doesn't have any friends in Human World, and I could tie it into what caused the fight with Emma's foster father, Angel could "sense" that Emma was in danger before she sees that Kazuo is sucking the life out of her, and so on and so forth. I wouldn't want it to go as far as telepathy or anything, Cause that would be silly. I just thought maybe it would add to how close they are or whatever. lol.....

Anyway, let me know whatchu think about this one, kay?


Unknown said...

i see you are going for the freaky twin thing well the emotional thing is a good idea. that and who whats any friends in this world anyway most people suck. so emotions and maybe Emma has some strange feeling in her that tells her she is missing something.

viccicat said...

I like the freaky twin thing, and it makes lots of sense, lots of ways to add side comments for one or the other especially as they talk about the past. Having those feelings of wanting to belong and feeling that you don't for Emma when she's in human world makes sense. I like it.