Monday, April 27, 2009


Alrite, so here's an issue I don't believe I've discussed yet. Ears and tails. Angel, Emma and Sabastian are all have animal related powers and could by all rights be given animal ears and tails. So the question at hand is, do I give them animal ears and tails to match their powers? And if so, ears and tails, or just tails? And then there is the option to have them always present or only present sometimes?

I'm kind of on the fence about this one myself, which is why I'm asking my beloved followers...any thoughts? Opinions?....Babies?


Twisted Silence said...

Ok so i think that the tails should not always be present, instead the appear when the character is using their specific power. As for the ears, i think it would just be fun to have ears showing at all times because its fun. They should match their powers obviously. Keep up the good work!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Really? I would have guessed you'd like it the other way around. lol

I was thinking Sabastian should have grey ears and a big bushy tail.

Angel's tail would also be bushy, but colored more like a fox's. Red-ish orange and white.

And Emma's would be ... I dont know what color yet. lol. I don't think I'd want her tail to be bushy as well though.

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

suppose the ears popped up during a comical scene, or when one of the characters are being cute? and i like the idea of there being a tail. with or without ears, i don't know. i hope i'm making sense...^^;;

Celes said...

To me, it comes off as a generic anime sort of thing. It seems strangely placed in what you intend to be a book.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

So does that mean you are for or against it dude?

Celes said...

It's your call. Just giving my opinion.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

That's helpful love. lol

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

I almost feel like giving them just tails... cause I can. Im not sure yet tho

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

i say go with the tails, then. tails are very cute.=^.^= -yeah, that's a kitty for ya!-

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Eh. I don't know yet. Celes may be right. It is rather cliche anime-y, but still....I dont kno. I' think I'll ponder it somemore.

Unknown said...

not sure what i think. meybe the ears/tails come out while power is being used or meybe it is a transformation like Karama to demon. i know Karama is the demon but i did not remember his human name

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Hahahaha. You spelled Kurama wrong.... Hahahha.

viccicat said...

I think that if you like the ears/tails then you should use them, yes it is anime-ish but some of your basis forthe start of this was from anime, plus everyone says write what you know, you know a lot about anime, so use what you like. personally I like the idea of either or both. I tend to feel that it maybe should not be universal, so maybe some of the charries show them and some don't. Example: Eclipse would need to be able to control their showing or not if he's to be able to hide his animal for so long!!! I think that maybe Emma's should show when she's using her powers because she learned to use them late and has less experience with them, but Angel should be able to keep them hidden or show them at will.