Monday, April 13, 2009

The RoQuero'Kubeh?!

Alright, so because I feel like it I have decided to post about my super cool Gypsy/Bandits, The RoQuero'Kubeh and their allegiances and creed and stuff like that there, So....HA?!

-To start, I'd like to talk about their Allegiances.

My RoQuero are the kind of people that have no allegiances to anyone outside of their group, and no specific enemies. Even though they are technically helping the kings of Zarius by keeping the crime rate and stuff like that in check, they don't answer to anyone. They also don't expect to be aided when their in trouble either.
-Not explaining this as well as I thought I could-

-Next Question! Whose in charge?!

And the answer is, no one really. In general the strongest fighters, like Blaise, simply take it upon themselves to protect everyone. And all big life altering decisions are generally put to a vote. It's also the group as a wholes job to get food, take care of the wounded, look after the children and make sure no one gets left behind.

-Next topic, is their creed,

"Death Before Blindness."
I personally love it and in all honesty, I don't care if you guys like it or not, cause I'm not changing it. Haha. Anyway, I have decided that it means/I want people to think of it like this, my RoQuero would rather die, then turn a blind eye to an injustice of any kind, okay?

-You see, I want them to come off like a mish mash of a bunch of diffrent things such as, the King's Musketeers, Peter Pan's lost boys, The Varden, Gypsys, The Outsiders And some other ridiculous ideas that have been running around inside my head, etc etc. You'll have to let me know if I'm failing or not later on, after you meet them. lol.

Umm, That's really all I can think of right nao. But, know that I might add to this at some point!


Celes said...

Their disconnection to any real factions reminds me of the Crimson Knights in .hack//SIGN, although the CK were a bit conflicted. They were players who took it upon themselves to uphold law, not mods or admins or anything.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Sooo, does that mean you like the idea behind them?

Wow. I think I might actually remember The Crimson Knights. lol.

viccicat said...

I likes it, reminds me a bit of the rangers from the north, greatly revered and feared to be at odds with. Noted, excellent fighters who take care of their own and what is right, so better than mercenaries, but even more lethal!!! Good men, and women? It works. I love the credd and your description keep that when you put it in the story!!!