Thursday, April 2, 2009


Sooooo...I've been thinking, would it make more sense for me too limit Angel and Emma's powers to either just the animal aspect, Like Aiden or just the elemental aspect? Cause even though I like it the way it is now, I'm constantly worried that I'm over powering them.....-sigh- What do you guys think?

AND! If I were to limit their powers to either one or the other I think I would have to keep Angel as a fire element and Emma... Hell, I don't know what I'd do with Emma.

So....... What do you guys think?


Celes said...

I think dual animal/element makes sense, since animals alone don't really contribute much to battle.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

You think? I also thought it was kind of a cool blend between Aiden and Hiroshi. But I wasn't sure, and like I said I don't want to over power anyone.

Unknown said...

i have no complaints. i see no overpowerdness. i am sure what you change will be good. well Shadow Wolf was wayy overpowered. with the whole wolverine healing and redicules strength and agility ectect.

viccicat said...

No No No No No, don't change their powers, it's not too much, I think that you need it, besides it blends, it blends and since you have 2 fathers and no mothers, it makes more sense to have a blend of their genes!!!!