Monday, April 6, 2009


Hiya guys?! Heres the next installation of my obsessively edited story!

The loud shriek of police sirens sliced suddenly through the cool night air, shaking Emma, unceremoniously from her peaceful thoughts. “Hmm?” Curious as too what all the commotion was about, she pulled her headphones off and peaked over the ledge of the roof, at the main road. Only to be horrified when she saw the flashing lights of a police car, headed toward the school.

“Ah!” Emma jumped to her feet, grabbed her backpack and took off running for the fire escape. “Damn you Mr. Paul!” She must have tripped the principal’s stupid new alarm system, somehow. Which meant that she only had a couple of minutes to get off the roof before the police arrived, and she could not get caught up here. Mostly because she wanted to be a police officer when she grew up, and she knew for a fact that they’d never let her in if she had a record. But also because, if she got suspended one more time, Emma was positive she’d fail math. Jumping the last couple of steps, Emma hit the ground running, if she could just get across the street to the park…

Emma was about halfway across the street, almost home free, when her backpack suddenly ripped wide open, spilling its guts all over the pavement. However irksome it was, Emma knew that she couldn’t stop to pick her things up now, or she’d be caught for sure. So she bolted across the road, crashing through the bushes on the other side to avoid being seen. She could get her things later.

Emma lay low in the bushes waiting for the police sirens to dissipate, before peaking out at the street. There was no one there. Thank god. With a sigh of relief, she stepped back out onto the street. The cops must have turned down one of the side streets or something. Walking back into the middle of the road, Emma knelt down and started picking her stuff up, although with her backpack torn the way it was, she had no idea where she was supposed to put it all.

A fraction of a second after standing up, her belongings crammed hastily into her dilapidated back pack, Emma was blinded by the headlights of a large truck speeding down the road. Her entire body immediately went numb with fear and suddenly Emma understood exactly what "a deer in the headlights" felt like. But she couldn’t have been in the street for more then thirty seconds, where the hell had that truck come from?!

The driver was roughly fifty yards away when he finally slammed the brakes. For one shining moment, it looked like Emma might actually live through the night, but then a terrifyingly loud bang ripped through the air and Emma could only assume that the truck had blown out a tire, from the way it swerved unstably.

“Oh my God…” Emma’s eyes widened in horror as the truck hit the curb beside her at an angle, its rear tires swinging out from behind and skidding across the pavement in a wide arc. The momentum of it eventually pulling the entire car into an uncontrollable spin.

Dropping her bag, Emma focused all her energy on forcing her numb, legs to move. Actually succeeding in taking one step backwards, before being knocked to the ground, by … a man? Kneeling down beside her on one knee, the mysterious man threw his arm around her and pulled Emma close to him, holding onto her shoulders tightly. “Brace yourself.”

Hope you enjoyed it.....and I'll try to post alittle faster next time, kay?


-completely_iNsAnE- said...

hahaha! i like the principal reference. excellent work, my friend.^^ i really like the way you ended the last paragraph. it makes me want to read mooooore!<3 andand, thank you for taking my advice. that made me very happy!

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Hahaha. Yea, he's such a jackass, that I could not resist!

-takes a bow- Thank you, Thank you! I am so glad that SOMEONE liked it. lol

And I actually edited a lot more then this last night, but I didn't want the post to be too long, so yea. I'll post some more in a couple of days!

-completely_iNsAnE- said...

here! have a lolcat! it's cute.:3

Celes said...

Good description of the truck's movements.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Awwwww! Thank you Sweetie!

viccicat said...

Ok so your previous version DID NOT SUCK, but homey this is excellent!!! Nicely done, I almost feel like I was there!!! You give the feel of Emma being rescued by John Maclain with Edward the vamp powers, I like it!!! Alos too, I like the principal reference, what a @#$!!!!