Saturday, February 28, 2009


So in order to make my story a bit more realistic, (Haha. Laughable concept, right?) I decided to make up a religion. Cause like it or not, they are kind of everywhere, you know? So I thought they should be included. Not as a main theme, but still in there.

The first one, I've become kinda partial too, even though the structure of it isn't the best.... Oh yeah and it doesn't have a name either. LoL. It's loosely based on, Greek mythology, I guess....

-Anyway, it centers around a pair of sisters Nayotake and Isakakate. Nayotake being god of life and Isakakate being the god of death.
-Then there are two gender neutral beings, Oberon and Umbriel, who represent balance. You know, good and evil, night and day, etc, etc.
-And then there are The Fates. Which I have renamed, Cybele, Anatolia and Ceres. (I may change their names...)

At the moment they're all female, and I'm not sure if Ima keep it that way or not, but for now, I think it's good. -points dramatically- What say you to that?!

Then for the Christian/Catholic equivalent, we have...

-Im going to call God, Apollyon.
-And I shall call Satan, Nakal.
-Then to make it alittle different, I was thinking of perhaps giving Nakal a wife. And having her be the truly evil one. I would most definitely call her Nefaria. But I'm not sure if I'll do that or not yet....

And last but not least, I thought it would be nice to have something along the lines of Native American religion as well. I only have three Gods so far though....

-Evaki = Sky God
-Tycho = Sea Goddess
-Sabitier = Earth God


Unknown said...

well you seem to have a better idea of religon than any of my attempts did. so i like the idea of having several religons in the world. i had an idea for my failed work. damn it jim i am a machinist not an author. anyway. i had a Goddess (heven all things pure ect.) the lord underworld (punishes evil souls not evil himself.) and of course evil always exists so there is an evil lord (demon king in my world) and of course there is always a crazy connection between the gods...

viccicat said...

Religions are an important addition, it makes your world more real. I like the premiss of what you have. Good foundation, I like the wife for the satanlike charri but I don't like the name it should not be based on the word nefarious it seems too contrived to me. As far as the Native Indian religion, I think you need a goddess of life/animals and god/goddesses of the elements. As far as names, I'll think about that.