Saturday, February 28, 2009


Aiden and Hiroshi, do not rule the world. So I think it's about time I introduced the other Kings and Queens of my realm , don't you?

-Ruled over by Aiden and Hiroshi
-Named after my AWESOME purple ipod

-Ruled by Theresa Tetranova's family
-This one is dominated by women, kind of like the Amazons, but not quite to that extreme. They still like men, They just don't put them in charge of anything....

-I like this name now, but I might change it later...
-This one I think should be set up, halfway between the government in V for Vendetta and Sparta. Sounds fun right?

-Considered a waste land
-I think Im gonna send traitors and criminals and such here
-Doesn't belong to anyone in specific
-It is the job of everyone to make sure the people on this Island don't escape or rebel and other such non-sense like that.


The Island
- I'm debating on whether I should give it an actual name or not....
-Serves as a neutral meeting place for the Imperial Court, should someone be at War or whatever

I'm considering adding one more kingdom, but I'm not sure yet. Any thoughts?

ANYWAY! I have come up with a name for Blaise's band of gypsy/bandits! And it is, Rokurokubi, or Rokuro for short. What do you think? It has nothing to do with anything, but it is just so much fun to say!


I have decided on the use of oddly colored birds to summon the Imperial court! The color of the bird's body will tell you who is calling the meeting and the feathers on the bird's wings will tell you where to meet and why you are meeting. Now all I need to do, is come up with a color scheme.


That my people should consider the word "Demon" in accurate and insualting, because it is what a human's term. I haven't yet decided what they should refer to themselves as, but it won't be "Demons" that is for sure.


Celes said...

On "demons":
In Street Devil, the technical term for demons is parahumans... though that won't really help much since they think demons are mutated humans.
Here are some other terms (and links) for demons: lilin, lilim, daimons, daemons, Rakshasa

On 'Rokurokubi':
Something that might be cool (and might make the name seem a bit more unique) would be alternate spellings; spell it differently from how it's said. Perhaps using C or Q for K sounds, O for U sounds, E for I sounds, adding other letters... could be kinda neat. Samples: Roq'ero Kubeh, Roukuerokoebi, Roh'kuro-Kuebi

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

You know, I did think breifly of changing the way that was spelled. But I wasn't quite sure what would sound good.

I was also considering, looking up a bunch of translations to other random languages to see if I could find something that sounded cool.

Thanks for the ideas! <3

Anonymous said...

I like the bird calling cards, sounds good. So once you have the decision as to the # of kingdoms on the demon world then you can set the color scheme. You should use the royal family colors for each kingdom as the identifyers and maybe use a two color code for the location, but I'm thining that maybe the location should be identifyed by a symbol in or rather on the color of the wings, so that the color charts don't get too confusing. example: Aiden and Hiroshi's family color is purple, and they want to call a meeting on the island whose symbol is a checkmark, and it's a war council and the code for war council is orange then the bird sent would be purple with a painted orange checkmark on its wings, thus giving the message you want. I think!!

I like the Rokouro, it works. Nice touch. I like the shortened name as well as having a longer version. Odd spelling works too.