Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Semi- Important Info...

I just realized I left out some very critical info, like how old the charries are and other such madness like that............ (-LIES!- I didn't forget, I was just to lazy to figure it out before....)

And here we go...

-Angel and Emma are 3 years old at the begining when they lose Emma. (And there is NO male pregnancy, just know that Xander isn't born until a couple of months after Emma disappears. Kay?)

-Emma is in Human World for a grand total of 14 years.

-Meaning she and Angel are 17 by the time she returns. Xander's 14. Krystal is 16. Eclipse is 21. Sabastian is a year younger then Eclipse. Hiroshi's around 39. Aiden....well know one knows how old he is....

-The entire first part of the story takes place in a span of just over two years. So add two to everyones ages. And note that Serena is born at the end!

And then this is basically just for my records....

-There are....I think, for now, Ima go with 7 years differance between parts one and two. (...I haven't really decided yet but it'll be somewhere between 5 and 8 years!)

-Which makes Serena 7. And Zareck is gonna be about 4.

Notes for the Eclipse Timeline.....

-Eclipse is 7 when Kerian and his parents arrange for him and Kikyo to be married.

-He's somewhere around 15-ish, when he kills his horrible family off. (Making Kikyo around 8.)

-After which he disappears. Meets Sabastian, they become friends. And the two of them join the kings army at around 17 years old. Which would makes Kikyo about 9.

And, GAWD!!! Isn't it about time William Shatner retired already?!!!! ......-random outburst-


Celes said...

OH GOD. Please no male pregnancy. That's just... no.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

You don't have to read about it happening. Emma's not even around when it happens! And the story's not really about Dad and Dad making babies. Lol....Eww....

Celes said...

I just think it would be better if you found another way to explain that...

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

-sigh- alrite fine. I wasn't married to the idea anyway...

-edits post-

Anonymous said...

I agree with Celes, no male pregnancy, even in demon world, men would never manage it!!!

The timeline seems fine to me!!