Monday, December 22, 2008

Sub Plots

So, as of right now, I have decided to reveal all, or at least most, of the sub plots in my story. Which I am mostly doing because, my plot summary was very vague and not everyone followed it as well as I'd hoped and because my best friend had made some suggestions for improving the story, that I had actually already done but then cut out, so I'm bringing them back!!! Yay!

So, anyway... Side plots...

-The first would probably be Hiroshi's relationship with Keiran.
-Which starts a hundred some odd years ago (totally random number) with Aiden, Hiro and Kerian all being members of the Imperial Court. And because Kerian is a total jerk and he thinks he owns Hiro, he and Aiden are constantly bashing heads and fighting. Which is alrite, annoying, but alrite, until Aiden slips and Kerian finds out that he and Hiro are together. Then Kerian looses it and starts plotting Aiden's demise in the form of killing the current king's son and framing Aiden for it. Which might have worked. But he never gets the chance to try because the kings next big announcement is that he's chosen Aiden to be his successor (You didn't think Aiden was born royal did you?) instead of his son. Because his son is a rotten brat. Which as you can imagine did not go over to well with either Kerian or the king's son (whose nameless, by the way) so they decide to join forces to get revenge, Kerian with the intent of killing both the king and Aiden and framing the nameless son for it. Sneaky, sneaky. But when the night comes, the son can't kill his sleeping father, cuz he's spineless and Kerian fails to kill Aiden cuz Hiro blew his cover. So because he's pissed, Kerian kills the nameless son, then immedately gets caught by the king's guard. However, before he can be sentenced, the creep escapes. -dramatic music- But after awhile people forget about him. Aiden gets married to Hiro, they have kids, the king steps down and Aiden takes over. A couple years later the previous king is murdered in his house while the Radic family is visiting Hiroshi's brother in Human World, which would have drawn a lot more attention then it did, had they not lost Emma that same night.
*Note: Kerian does not love Hiroshi, he just feels some baizarre need to feel like he owns Hiro.

-Next would be the reason Emma went missing.
-Alrite, first of all The Makai is an alternate reality/parallel demension verizon of Earth and the two worlds are seperated by a void. The void is kinda like space, only more fragile. The void is only disturbed by large bursts of energy. (Like a super powerful demon, etc, etc) And I have decided to justify Aiden and Hiroshi losing Emma, Im gonna have their be a massive disturbance in the void. (Which you must cross to get from world to world.There's no way around it.) The cause of this disturbance is the killing of the old king. Also it takes a phucking lot of energy tostay in the void for any length of time, because I said so....

-Eclipse lied about/put so much time and effort into hiding the fact that he was a dragon.
-Dragon's are decidedly the most powerful type/classification of demon out there. Their also the rare and have a particularly bad reputation for being violent and particularly mean. So I thought it made sense to have the other demon's hate and fear them. And Eclipse learned this early on, so he felt in order to be accepted, he needed to lie. Especially when joining the king's gaurd. I haven't decided yet, but I might make it so that Sabastian is the only one Eclipse ever told. Then Sabastian could help him find the power limitators!!!

There are a couple more, Such as Hiroshi's halfbreed-ness, Emma and Eclipse's secret relationship, and other stuff like that, that I just don't feel like writting about right now.


Celes said...

Little suggestion for the first story: perhaps the king is not originally serious in his suggestion of Aiden being his successor (a plan to convince the actual heir, his son, to become better), but it is fulfilled when the king's son is killed.

Suggestion for void: Perhaps certain special energy bursts would disturb it instead of things like lightning and bombs, as those are too easily tampered with.

Random suggestion for Eclipse: Maybe he can use a really diminished version of his power with some sort of special limiter. Like, for example, he wears special arm bracers, and his powers are decreased greatly. So maybe he seems to be a lizard instead of a dragon, to sort of summarize what I mean. It would give him a great way to hide up until his reveal.

Celes said...

By the way: Blogger doesn't show me your entries when you post them for some reason. This one showed up today for me. D:

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

That's a good idea. I wanted him to be a little caniving anyway....OH! Maybe the king could be telling Aiden the plan, and Kerian, with his selective hearing only hears part of it and misunderstands? That could work...

Yea, I suppose that makes sense. Besides if the void were suseptable to bombs, it'd be freaking out all the time, right? lol.

It's funny that you meantion that. I was thinking about this the other day. I was thinking like a magic tattoo or something..but how do u break that right? I like the idea of bracelets though. That could look really cool.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I like how the story is going. You mentioned that Hiro is a half breed, could that not tie into Zander not having an animal? I would gree that the void should not be effected by all energy bursts otherwise any stability would be in question. Maybe only a non mechanical energy burst or maybe only mage created energy bursts could effect the void, of course that would mean that the old king would have to be killed by magical means.