Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Children!!!

Alrite, so as anyone who has read my plot summary knows, Emma and Eclipse are having a baby! (Well actually two, but the second one doesn't come about until later.) First a girl, then a boy, and I have finally decided on names and apperances!! Yay!

Their daughter's name is Serena, and she will have short pink hair with black tips, (Or vice versa.) and light blue eyes. Cuz I think it looks cool!

And as for their son, well he's still alittle nameless. I mean I've narrowed it down to a few choices, I just haven't picked one yet. But anyway, he's gonna have long black hair with white or silver streaks in it. And probably green eyes.

I drew some nice and retarded chibi's of what I want them to look like today, and I think Serena and Nameless Boy No. One, totally look like they could be spawn of Emma and Eclipse. Which is good, I wanted them to look like they could actually be related.

We've also decided, (we being, my alter egos, me and my boyfriend) that since Dragons are a dying breed that we should try to keep the bloodline going, and that Serena should be the one to accomplish that. Yay! (Although I must admit, for awhile there I really did like the idea of her being a butterfly. But then I realized that that would be exceptionally girly of me, so I changed it.) And Nameless Boy No. One, will have to be something else. I'm thinking a psychic or something. Because after the Xander delemia I decided that there shall always be one non-animal type demon in every family....until I run out of good animals to use that is. Then that number will increase. lol.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I think that is fine, I think that having a non animal demon in the family is fine, as a matter of fact, I've said so before. I also likethat the dragon line will contiue.