Sunday, December 21, 2008

Minor Characters

More Profiles! This time for the minor characters in my story.


Nickname: Sir Bashington The Third, Bash, Bastian
Full Name: Sabastian Accardi
Birthday: October 15th
Sign: Libra
Animal: Wolf
Ability: Speed-y-ness
Weapon of choice: Axe
Height: 6'0'
Weight: 147 Pounds
Hair Color: Unkept, Brown
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Straight
Clothing Preference: Sabastian just wears his guard uniform most of the time
Other Details: Eclipse's best friend...-cough cough- ...Only Friend. -cough-
Personality: Funny, Loyal, somewhat lazy...
History: Became Eclipse Best/Only friend and Roommate, at around 14-15 and then joined the King's gaurd with him a couple years later.
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Food: French fries
Least Favorite Food: No such thing
Likes: Animals of all kinds, junk food and being a goof ball.
Dislikes: Being pulled into the middle of someone else' fight, tan people....sharks....
Talent: Getting into trouble and/or biting off more then he can chew!
Weakness: He constantly thinks he can handle more then he's ready for and he doesn't like to ask for help..ever..

Nickname: Riza, Terri, Jazz
Full Name: Theresa Tetranova
Birthday: July 28th
Sign: Leo
Animal: N/A
Ability: Earth
Weapon of choice: Whip
Height: 5'10'
Weight: 135 Pounds
Hair Color: Dark purplely red
Eye Color: Bright Pink
Sexuality: Pansexual
Clothing Preference: Swishy
Other Details: Sabastian's half black girlfriend! One of Emma's best friends.
Personality: Out there, Daring, Honest, kinda clumsy...
History: Three years younger then her brother Sabastian, Theresa is the youngest member of the imperial court.
Favorite Color: Purple!
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Least Favorite Food: Chicken
Likes: To cook, being ridiculous, sleeping.
Dislikes: Bullies, being patronized!
Talent: She's thinks fast on her feet, she's very smart/witty.
Weakness: She's allergic to bullshyt and has some violent tendencies.


Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Serena Deimos
Birthday: December 1st
Sign: Sagittarius
Animal: Dragon
Ability: Increased Strength
Weapon of choice: Doesn't matter, she can work with just about anything
Height: Still Growing
Weight: Still Growing
Hair Color: Pink with black tips, short and messy
Eye Color: Light blue
Sexuality: Undecided
Clothing Preference: Colorful
Other Details: Emma and Eclipse's first child! Definitely takes after her father....
Personality: Silly, Headstrong, Creative.
History: Born in the castle, kidnapped by Kikyo at age 5.
Favorite Color: Rainbow!
Favorite Food: Chocolate Brownies
Least Favorite Food: Orange juice
Likes: Animals, music, fighting.
Dislikes: Being left out, feeling like shes not good enough.
Talent: Cheering people up.
Weakness: She tries way to hard to impress people, especially her father....

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Zareck Deimos (It's been decided that Kiritian was to close to Kerian, so we changed it.)
Birthday: May 12th
Sign: Taurus
Animal: N/A
Ability: Medium (Ghost Boy...spooky...)
Weapon of choice: He likes just about everything....except Axes, Staffs and Hammers. They suck.
Height: Still Growing
Weight: Still Growing
Hair Color: Shoulder length, black with one White or Silver streak in it.
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Undecided
Clothing Preference: Something comfortable.
Other Details: Emma and Eclipse's second child!
Personality: Interesting, Random, Occasionally spacey.
History: Nothing really interesting, I mean he did miss both the war and the Kikyo incident.
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Least Favorite Food: Peppers
Likes: Day Dreaming, staying up late, exploring.
Dislikes: Having to get up early for any reason what-so-ever.
Talent: Being a sneaky bastard
Weakness: Feeling like he has to protect everyone all the time and/or that he has to be strong for his family.


Nickname: Vicci, Tori, Puss, Pookie Paws
Full Name: Victoria
Birthday: March 25th
Sign: Aries
Animal: Kitty Cat
Ability: N/A
Weapon of choice: Teeth and Claws
Height: Average size for a cat
Weight: Average size for a cat
Hair Color: Long and Grey
Eye Color: Purple!
Sexuality: She's a cat...
Clothing Preference: She doesn't wear any...
Other Details: The Radic's only pet. She likes Emma the most.
Personality: Lap Cat, Snuggle Slut, Attention Whore, Motor Mouth.
History: Was given to Emma and Angel as a birthday present from Hiroshi's brother, when they were toddlers.
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Field Mouse Pudding
Least Favorite Food: Liver
Likes: Sleeping, Cuddling, Chasing things.
Dislikes: Things that require her to be conscious....
Talent: Waking people up in the middle of the night simply because she wants to cuddle or has decided she's hungry
Weakness: Field Mouse Pudding

*I'm debating about whether to make Vicci a talking cat or not. Any thoughts?


Celes said...

Nice Luna reference.

I suppose whether or not she talks depends on the sort of mood you're aiming for.

It would be kinda funny if she randomly talked when people weren't looking at her, and they try to get her to do it again and she doesn't or something silly like that.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Yea, that would be funny. lol. Im glad you caught that reference, I almost didnt think you would

Anonymous said...

Snuggle slut huh! Sheesh!!! You know that I think that she should be telepathically connected to Emma, with the ability to project to anyone she wishes but she doesn't unless it's amusing or someone she loves is in danger or hurt. I think she should be able to make herself heard and I think that she should tease Eclipse for a long time before he discovers that she can talk to him.