Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lesbian Urges

Is it rather cliche for Emma to have no friend's in the human world? I mean I know that it's all well and good for Harry Potter to have literally no one to go back to or care about and all, but Emma is not Harry Potter and maybe she should have a friend. Just one friend. Too make her seem a little less pathetic. Haha. Then we can have a foreigner at the wedding?! Hahaha. Another foreigner... That makes 3 actually. Whatever, I don't care.

Anyway, so yeah, I think that Emma needs a friend. She'll be a beautiful Indian girl named Adhira and she really won't be too much of a thing because I don't want to change the beginning too too much or stretch things out too much before we get to Zarius but she'll be enough of a thing for Emma to not seem so pathetic and such like that. Soooooo, I'm gonna go try to write some of that there. Hahaha. It's not even 11 o clock yet and I've already been up 5 hours and done the working out and all of that non sense lol Now if only I could get paid for this stuff.

Someone like either one of these beautiful ladies would work out nicely. Though perhaps a bit darker skin tone, just because I love darker skin tones lol Also I think that I want Emma to be like I am with a bunch of my friends, one of those I love you, you're my best friend but I also hate you because you're way prettier then me sort of things. Hahahaha. I think it'll be good.

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