Sunday, September 8, 2013

Harley Quinn's Army

I'm going to have a little completely 100% called for feminist rage right now and I suggest that all of you bitches, sit down, shut up and listen cause this is important.

DC Comics has just announced an art contest, a Harley Quinn art contest, isn't that great? Wrong, one million percent dead fucking wrong! And I will tell you why, because the submission pieces that artists are being asked to send in include Harley naked and "sexily" committing suicide. And I am not even over exaggerating, this is true.

Now, of the several THOUSAND reasons that this is both wrong and disgusting, I will give you a choice few,
It's sexist
It's insensetive
You shouldn't be glorifying suicide
You shouldn't be sexualizing female death
Rape culture
There's nothing sexy about committing suicide!
So, I repeat, THIS. IS. NOT. OKAY.

But their is good news. Because this is an open contest they will accept and review everything that we send them, so myself and a few other bloggers have taken it upon ourselves to flood them submissions expressing our deepest disapproval because no matter what you say it is not okay to trivialize suicide or sexualize a woman killing herself and this is sexism. And I suggest that you all join the cause and let DC know that they fucked big time on this one. Seriously. 

There's the link. And here is a few of the images that myself and some others have been submitting.

I encourage you to use one or all of them and make plenty of your own too.
 Now is the time to get angry.
Let's go spam some mother fuckers

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