Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don't Judge Me For Blogging In The Shower

Guys, I am considering making Blaise darker. Not black per say, because we don't have "black" and "white" in Zarius. We got all the colors of the rainbow in my world! I mean for Christ's sake, Andromina and her family have purple skin tones! Like the closest thing we have to an actual black guy is Atreyu and the closet thing we have to an actual white guy is Sabastian. Everyone has weird colorful  skintones. But I digress. lol

Anyway, the original character design was pale skinned because I like a contrast to dark hair. Which is the same reason that platinum blonde Vlad is described as tan. But it occurred to me that these little lovelies live in the woods! They're outside in the sun constantly. So, doesn't logic dictate that Blaise be tan? Yes! Because let's face it, not everyone's skin defy tanning to the degree that mine does.

And like as soon as I thought of this I instantly fell in love with the idea of Blaise having a color scheme like Pocahontas. (Though I'm not changing his perfect blue eyes. That will never happen. Ever.)Honestly. Wouldn't that be beautiful?

I'm thinking maybe bronze, golden tones. Ya know? I want him to remain gorgeous but also be a little different.

And before you say anything about me ruining my baby, I would like to point out that its not like I haven't done this to him before. Seriously guys, Blaise is my actually cannon OC that I, his creator, write AU fanfics about on a regular basis! Blaise has been black, white, hispanic, british, australian. He's had dread locks, corn rows, curly, straight, long and short hair. He's been in gangs, he's been in the military, he's been straight, gay, bi, depressed, happy.  A crossdresser, homeless, he's been a Gryffindor and a Slytherin! So calm down. Regardless of what I do to his face he will still be as he always has been the same old fantastic pain in the ass that he ever was. ♥

1 comment:

Reichardt said...

I approve! A Pocahontas color scheme would work pretty well I think