Sunday, June 16, 2013

Any Choice is Better Than Spain!

I have just one announcement for today... thus far, maybe more later..... um, anyway! I have decided that the marriage between Valken and Aurora was arranged. Hmhm, I think that they should be betrothed. Because its an old world tradition and Zarius is old world-y in some respects.

I also think that Aurora should be foreign. But where does she come from? Rayet seems logical since it would explain why Zarius is so close with them. Strong alligence and all that stuff.

And then I want Valken and Aurora's babies, Aiden, Kerian and Serena, to not be betrothed to anyone. Because Aiden ends up with Hiroshi who is a stray half blood not a prince or whatever. And then there's Kerian and his Governess, Adrienne.

If I do a prequel story then I will likely have one of the children be betrothed and end up breaking the betrothal and that's why no one else is coerced into marriage. It wouldn't be a break in tradition like Brave though. More like Ever After. Haha. Cause I do what I want.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What?! I'm Fourty...

Do Angel and Emma really need tails?
I mean, really, really?
Originally I wanted them to sort of balance out the fact that Aiden has wings. Cause I mean it would be weird if he was the only person in the family with anything like that.
And if I take away the girl's tails then that means that the only thing that we have running in the family is wings. Cause like four characters end up with wings after all.
But I don't know. Is it stupid?
Am I being cartoon-y?
Is it superfluous?
I mean it is just an add on. They don't serve a major purpose or anything.
And I suppose that I could give the girls weird animal eyes instead and that would still tie in their beastie to them.
But still!
What about my genetics?!
Even if I took the girl's tails away and gave Sabastian a tail instead, that wouldn't help. Because who the hell cares about Sabastian's butt anyway?! And he's not even in the family or marrying into the family so he does nothing to fix the genetic issue. He just adds to the aesthetic.
Soooooo..... I don't know what to do.

Please feel free to ignore my posts as usual.
Or I don't know,
Tell me what you think.
Heaven forbid.

I'm Not The Pretty One

Okay, so remember how a couple months back I told you all that I had signed up to be a model because one of those guys at the mall had called me and my friend over? Well they finally called me and they want to set up and interview. And I am still comfortable in my own body and I am glad that I am not stick thin with one of those ridiculous thigh gaps and biceps that you could wear a watch around. But at the same time, I looked at their website and there are like 200 girls in my age group on their site and the majority of them are between size 2 and 0. There's a handful of 3's, one 4 and then there's me. I'm a 5 or a 6, my boobs are average, my hair is frizzy and curly with two inch roots and I have adult braces... Why in the world would they want me?

And of course it doesn't help at all that I told Mark about this and his first response was maybe they want a hand model or their casting a porn! He was just kidding but it's like gee thanks Pal, that makes me feel loads better. Really.

I'm having a Myka moment right now. So, if anyone feels like desire to step up and make a speech and be my Pete you go right ahead. And if not then... that's fine too. My interview is scheduled for tomorrow. I'm going to cancel it because I can't drive out tomorrow after all but I don't know if I'll end up rescheduling it or not. So, yeah...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Does It Smell Like Wet Zeffron in Here?

Okay, so for my final battle we have Kiara and Andromina of Rayet, Marik of Atheria and Vish Itori of Myritrius fighting with us. I'm gonna refer to them as generals even though they're Kings and what not. So anyway, I was thinking that maybe I don't have enough death and destruction on the good guy's team. I mean, we're fighting a bloody war here both sides should have casualties. I mean Emma and Aiden do die temporarily and Blaise sustains a deadly serious wound and gets poisoned, Hiroshi breaks an arm and a leg, Olaf dies. But is that enough carnage on team good guy? I don't know. That's why I'm wondering if perhaps I should kill off one of my generals.

I was gonna say that it would have to be Vish or Marik but now I'm thinking that I could probably get away with killing off Kiara since Andromina has been properly schooled and is more or less ready to take over at any time, although they weren't planning it. So, question two, if I do kill one of them, which one should it be?

Last question revolving around death and destruction for team good guys. What about Rorak? I can't remember if I talked about his fate or not, but he is my Captian of the guard and I don't know if I should let him live through the battle or kill him off. Now with Rorak it's tricky because if he doesn't die at the end of this book, then I'm gonna maim him and he'll die at the beginning of the next one. So I guess with him it's all a matter of timing.

So there's my problem of the day Loves. Have at it. I'm gonna go throw up now

Sunday, June 9, 2013


So, as we all know Kerian busts in the door to the castle and declares war in person on Zarius. Then Aiden immediately calls the court to meeting to ask for reinforcements, right? Right that happens. Now, because Kerian is essentially taking over a small country to wage war on Zarius, that leader that he's killed will obviously not be in attendance. People will obviously wonder where he's gotten too and Kerian didn't mention that he'd taken over an entire country, though Aiden will have his suspscions because of Kazuo's prescense. Now as it stands the question becomes does Kerian make a second appearance at the meeting of the court or does he let them be?

I feel like the court wouldn't question whether Aiden's claim is true or not, so in that respect, it's not nessicary. However, knowing Kerian's personality, would he have any reservations about flaunting what he's done? I don't think so. I think that he'd like to brag. In which case he should appear. So, in my mind it's rather 6 to one, half a dozen to the other right now.

Help? Opinions are nice.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Boob Fish

They don't celebrate Halloween in Australia guys. What a bummer.

Anyway, um I never talked about setting up a monetary system... Like do they use shekels or pence or drachma or what do they use in Zarius? I don't even know. Haha. So... I suppose that my question to you, my dearly beloved imaginary followers is, do you think that I can get away saying things like silver pieces and gold pieces and shit like that? Or should I make up a monetary system?

Let me know!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Like, Like Something You Corner

So I was thinking, you know how Tethys is a floating island in the sky that travels along the path of the equator and that's where the Imperial Clubhouse is and where we have war meetings and shit? Well, I was thinking that maybe it would be a much better idea to make our prison island the traveling island. Think about it, it floats and spends most of it's time over the ocean, so even if someone escapes where are they gonna go? They jump, they die. Simple as that. Also it travels around the globe, making that whole all the countries send people in shifts of a few months to guard the prison island thing work out better. It seems like a rather more efficient arrangement if you ask me. Sooooo, I think that I might do that.

Any concerns? Comments? Questions?