Monday, February 18, 2013

The Feline Mafia

Aiyah, it has been awhile, hasn't it followers? Thorsdays are like my busiest day this semester with tuesday coming in a close second. It's exhausting! Anyway, I apologize to the one or two people that actually care, I'll try to be better about it.... Maybe.

Anyway, how about a post now?

I want to do something with fireflies at Emma/Angel's birthday. Because fireflies are cool and pretty. But what do you do with them? Like besides put them in glass jars. Although I suppose that we could put them in glass jars and just have them be everywhere at the party. But that's not a very interesting tradition. Ya know? And I think that I want a tradition. Hahaha. I'm on a bioluminescence kick right now, I guess. So, suggestions?


Reichardt said...

Fireflies in paper lanterns?

Lita Kaye said...

That might be cool.