Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Guess You Guys Are Perfect

Soooo, last night I had a dream and it was a really weird dream, I'll tell you that right now. Hahaha. Anyway, I've been under a lot of stress because of various things lately and it sucks, so thinking of psychology because I had just done my reflection for psychology, last night before bed I asked my brain to use dreams to solve my problems because according to almost any Freudian psychologist that's what dreams do and my brain responded with the Russian Mafia, which I blame on my Criminal Organizations class. Anyway! Here's what happened,

Me, my brother and my boyfriend get kidnapped by the Russian Mafia. An we're thrown in a little room and this stereotypical Russian Mobster sits in front of the door with a shot gun. So I look at Ben and Batman and then at the shot gun and it's like we got this, we got a plan. And it's a good plan too! So, I start using my girlie charms on this guy and go over there and sit on his lap and start making out with them as a distraction so that one of them can take the shot gun from him and guess what? They don't! They both just sit there and sort of stare off into space at nothing. Great! Thanks guys! Very helpful. I try to get their attention to remind them that there is a reason that I'm making out with this guy, buuuut still nothing. No response at all. So, I get annoyed and pull out the knife that I've apparently had in my pocket the entire time, slit the guy's throat, take his shot gun, push him out of the way and leave the room. I don't know if boyfriend or brother followed me but I was gone. And that's all that I remember. Hahahaha. Interesting, right?

In other news, I bought some more books and me and Miss Marvel signed up to be models today! lol So, we'll see how all that goes. Peace out bitches?!

1 comment:

Reichardt said...

Oh God this is hilarious. I lost it when you said they didn't do anything xD I was expecting some Boondocks Saints-esque wacky plan! Interesting though! I wonder what it could mean, if it means anything.