Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yippie Kai Yay Mother Russia

Okay, so I brain stormed and here's what I think that I'm going to do, I think that I'm going to have paper lanterns everywhere and not the lame round Asian ones that everyone uses, I want shapes and colors and everything, like these ones!

I especially like the star shaped ones.

Okay, so my lanterns will be filled with fireflies, hundreds and hundreds of fireflies everywhere! And they will have tiny little holes worked into the designs so that the fireflies can breathe of course. And what I'm going to do is, just before dawn when the sky is the darkest, everyone is gonna grab a lantern and let the fireflies loose together. And it will be really pretty. I just have to decide where we're gonna do this. In the castle's courtyard where the party is or shall we make a short field trip down the road to the banks of the river? I can't quite decide. Though I am pretty sure that if I have them do this at the river then after we let the fireflies go, I'd want to put the rectangular lanterns in the water and watch them drift down the river. Cause again, it would be pretty to watch a bunch of pretty colored lanterns float down the river as the sun is coming up. Hahahaha.

So, as usual, let me know what you think. Location? Lantern design? Stuff like that. Hahaha.

Also, two posts in the same week! Guys I'm on fire! lol


Reichardt said...

Pretty! I really like those boxy lanterns, the star ones are pretty too! And personally, I think the river might be the best place. It seems much more romantical!

Anonymous said...

i like the lanterns in the river. having the lantern made of something that will dissolve in the water, so you place them in the water and send them down in, then after a bit it releases all the fireflies into the sky