Thursday, October 18, 2012

They're Repulsive

Guess what I, Thor, did on this fine Thorsday? Just guess. Ha! Wrong! What I did on Thorsday, my day off, my day in which I have NO CLASSES, I woke up at 7:30 this morning got dressed up and went to a Psychology Conference. And get this, the bus that they sent for us, wasn't big enough so I had to sit on the floor in the back. Oh what a fabulous Thorsday it was! Hahaha.

No seriously though, great conference. Absolutely full of Bilgesnipe though.... Hahaha. Kidding again. X3 They don't have Bilgesnipe here. Obviously. Hahaha.

Anyway, the point of this post is as follows.... Does anyone have a problem with Blaise saying "dick measuring contest"? Hahaha. Cause I was writing the scene where he and Eclipse get into that argument and you know how Eclipse takes everything like a personal attack and Blaise gets frustrated with him real quick. Well, reading it I was like, this is turning into a dick measuring contest and that's not what Blaise wanted so he should say something, right? Hahahaha. I mean, it's not like it's something that Blaise wouldn't say.... I guess, I'm just wondering if it would be ....too much? I guess. I don' know.


Ummmm and I guess that's all that I got for you for today. I'm gonna have to start like posting actual bits and pieces from my story cause I'm like running out of nuts and bolts to discuss at length in blog format anymore. Though I do have to talk a bit about maiming Hiroshi once again. But I don't feel like it now. Maybe I'll do it later. Hahaha.

Also, did you know that Miley Cyrus is a freakish hybrid cross between a hillbilly and a hummingbird? According to Berta. Hahahhaa



Shadow Wolf said...

that does sound like some crap he would say i see no reason to not use it

Sam said...

Because it's Thorsday, I thought you'd find it amusing that in New Jersey the 3rd Thursday of October is New Jersey Credit Union Day and citizens are required to celebrate it.


Reichardt said...

If it sounds like something he'd say then there's no reason not to. Gives the character a touch more of reality speaking clichéd phrases and such.
Unless of course it takes away from the scene at hand too much.

Lita Kaye said...

Hmmmmm, no Tony Stark. I think that I prefer Thorsday, cause it's like Christmas but with more me. And it comes once a week! Win. <3

Reichardt said...

On a completely unrelated note, there's this. Not sure if you've seen it yet, but it seems like something you would like.

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

So, I pulled up this video and immediately my little Cap and tiny Tony fell flat on their faces. I'm not sure what to think about that. Hahaha.

Also, as much as I love Alan Rickman and think that it's funny as hell that he looks so pissed when making his tea, you can send me this kind of thing via email. You don't have to do it in a comment on my blog. And frankly, I'd prefer that you didn't because then I get all excited thinking that somebody actually gave enough of a shit about my writing to comment on something and then it's just a youtube video. Ya know?

Reichardt said...

Gotcha. Glad you liked it though.

Can you text me your email? I don't have it on my laptop, only on my home machine.