Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh Yeah, You Blend

Komodo Dragons

 As you know, or should've known, Steve Irwin day was recently. And they showed the episode where Steve goes looking for Komodo Dragons and let me tell you, I had forgotten how incredibly terrifying those beasties are! Impressive and Amazing, but scary as all hell. Like, did you know that they have feeding frenzies, like Sharks? And I mean actual, honest to God hard core feeding frenzies on dry land. Madness. And they can smell blood in the air! And any number of other creepy things. Hahaha.

Anyway, watching this, I started thinking that perhaps, I need a Komodo Dragon and I was thinking that it should be Kazuo. Because as of right now, I have only two characters that have both an animal and a secondary power and that's Angel and Emma. And then later on, I'll have Blaise. And they're all good guys. Unless you count Kikyo. But that's way later on and I'm sure none of you remember her part in any of this anyway. Hahahha. Um, so yeah. I was thinking of giving Kazuo the power of the Komodo Dragon! Cause he's a predator. A hard core killer. And he's been killing some pretty high level dudes and causing some serious trouble for awhile now and he couldn't do that if he wasn't a serious killer, right? Right!

So, that being said, I wouldn't change his appearance or anything at all, I would just make some mentions about it here and there. Like when I'm talking about his reputation and when he gets killed and things to that effect. And I guess that that's all about that. Hahaha. Let me know what you think.


Shadow Wolf said...

i like it. i see no problem or anything.

Anonymous said...
