Saturday, September 8, 2012


 I haz a beard

Anyway, it's been awhile since I posted about Blaise, so here ya go! Have another brilliant post about my favorite fictional Man.
That's HYDE but you all know that I use him for Blaise's reference. Hahaha

So, I was thinking about Blaise's mutant transformation into a half Dragon/Water Bender and I was recalling how sudden and violent the change is and all that crap. And I was thinking that because this is an unnaturally natural occurrence that maybe Blaise's Dragon bits should be a little malformed or something. Like maybe his wings aren't perfect or perhaps their not entirely symmetrical or something. Maybe the transformation creates wounds or the first time he changes leaves a scar on his back. I don't know yet. But it was just a thought. Seems appropriate though. Feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the malformed parts, maybe have his transformation take a long time, where he has the powers but his transformation isnt complete and he is slowly transforming more while hes fighting, or something like that. or you could instead of a scar in his back, tiny bones sticking out of his back where his wings were that dont go away.