Friday, September 14, 2012

Are You Down, Down, Down?

Okay, so ya'll know how Vlad is a psychic monster of some impressive skills, right? And you are also aware that when Eclipse goes bat crap crazy cause his Lady's been killed that Blaise tries to blood bend him into submission, right? Well I had a thought the other day. I was like hey, Blaise and Vlad are partners and Vlad's a psychic. Why wouldn't he try to help his friend stay alive by helping his boo mess him up? And there's no good answer. Of course Vlad would help his man. Hahaha. Then of course, I started thinking about Eclipse. Is he enough of a bad ass to over power two moderately epic Vaikas and still have energy left to thrash Sabastian and rampage? I don't know about all that. That sounds like an awful lot of power and I'm not sure doing this. So what do you think? Help me out!


Shadow Wolf said...

well lets look at it like this it is the end of a battle and everyone is tired when eclipse has his bitch fit her gets super powerful and the two others are tiers. so if he kicks the crap out of them in his rage that is not too overpowered because they are tiered and worn out.

Lita Kaye said...

Yeah, I suppose that that makes sense. You can't spell for shit though Bro. Hahaha

Reichardt said...

Maddened rages are a non-bullshitty way to power up.