Monday, August 13, 2012

Well You Put A Flannel Shirt On A Tatter Tot...

I sleep in your bed now.
-Your loving Phillip

Yeah. That's an actual postcard that my Aunt actually has in a big box of old photos. She doesn't know who Phillip is and that's all that the postcard says, but isn't that hilarious? Greatest postcard ever, if you ask me.

Now! We move on to the importance of this post!

I need to name the planet. I'm thinking of a Titan AE reference.... And I know what you're thinking, but I'm not naming the planet Bob. -_-" Actually, I was thinking Sesshurine or however you spell that. Just because it's super fun to say. Hahaha.

I was also thinking the other day, where are Krystal's parents? She's not an orphan, because we already have two or three of those and we don't need another. Hhahaha. And I don't particularly want to write them in a bunch of places, so I feel that the logical explanation for their absence is that they don't live in Zarius. Yes! It's brilliant! So, Krystal is kind of like a foreign exchange student! Except that we didn't send one of us over there in her place.... And we're not giving her back.... But aside from that it's like the same thing! Hahahaha. Now the question is where did she come from? Ah ha! I've already figured that out as well. I'm thinking Sotouri, which for those of you who don't care enough to read the map I posted, is the country waaaaaay at the bottom of the map and I'm thinking that it should be sort of an icy cold place. Like Alaska, except where Antarctica should be? Sort of? Hahahaha. Whatever!

But I was thinking Krys is really pale and Alaska has times where it's dark 24 hours a day and such like that, so maybe that's why she's pale. In which case, wouldn't everyone be pale? Maybe it's a continent of albino ice people?! Hahahahhaha. I don't know, I'm still playing around with the idea. Ummmm, and Krystal's nameless parents may well make an appearance at Emma's party but I'm not sure yet.

Annnnnnnd, the Scorpion baddie that kills Lucian and maims Nicademus' name shall be Rorak and he's going to have to have a stinger and a tail otherwise where would the venom come from? Really people! Learn your animal kingdom! Hhahahahahahaha.

Alright, I guess that that's it for today. Look out for the next post when I discuss the final plans for tricking out my new car and my Halloween battle to the death, my new hair cut and sewing project and the diagram explaining how exactly our planet will orbit in a binary system and what that means for season and days and all that. Ta Ta!

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