Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get The Sven!?!!

Okay, so thank you Bros for all of your super non existent help with my Rocher developments. -super eye roll- Anyway, as per usual, I have decided for myself. And I have decided that Rocher must be battle scarred. Because he's a war veteran and a bad ass so he must be scarred. I'm thinking that he should be scarred on the side of his face or some how so that it cuts a swath through his stubble. Like I want him to be a grizzled old man, but not to the extent that Nicademus is a grizzled and old. Because Rocher isn't as old as Nicademus, and I sort of want him to still be kind of attractive. Classically handsome. Like Carrey Elwes will look when he's older... Or now. I don't know what he looks like currently. Hahaha. And anyway, I want him to be like a dirty blonde... sort of Thor like..... SHUT UP! I have a complex. Hahaha. And um, I want his eyes to be um, brown. Like intense and dark brown, like Tarzan! And he's gonna be big. Like I want him to be a bear in comparison to short little Aiden. Hahaha. Ummm, I don't have the SIMS on my lap top, so I can't exactly make you guys a basic reference for him or anything. But if I find a picture that's close enough maybe I'll post it. Maybe. I mean, it's not like anyway looks at this blog anyway. Hahaha. Oh well.

Night Night Loves.

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