Thursday, August 16, 2012

Filthy Strumpet

Dream Chronicle Time!

Okay, so this dream starts out with me going to Karate. But it's weird cause I have no pants on and no body seems to care. So I'm at Karate and I'm teaching the children and whatever and then all of a sudden, all of this trash starts flooding into the dojo from like the corners of the room! And it's just everywhere! So all of the students get pushed into the middle of the dojo and we do like half a kata and then we send the children Home. And I'm like where did all this trash come from?! And Shihan is like, I guess trash day came early this week. He doesn't freak out or anything, just starts picking things up and throwing them into a random hole that I've never seen before. And even though the explanation makes no sense, I accept it and leave the dojo.

Then I'm walking Home and all of a sudden, I start feeling uncomfortable about not wearing pants. But then I run into Matt whose another instructor at the school and he's like hey, wanna come see where I work and I'm like sure. So he takes me to a construction site and he like opens up this shed thingy and there's like three power tools and a bunch of mats inside. Like wrestling mats. It's weird. Then I leave. I start walking down the street again and my friend Quinn randomly shows up and she's like hey, there's a Renaissance fair down the road we should go together. And I'm like cool.

So we get to the fair, I magically have pants and cool looking medievally like denim vest jacket thing on. And it's cool and we're walking around and we stop at a shop and I point a necklace out to her because it's a cool looking Dragon and she puts it on and then the next thing that I know Quinn's a freaking Dragon?! And she starts flying around and randomly blowing fire everywhere, just like testing her fire breathing skills. And she shoots a fire ball in my direction, so I turn tail and run past the shop and into the shop keepers house, but like the flames follow me through the door and down the hallway so I bang a left and head towards the shop keepers bedroom and just about then her fluffy white cat runs out the door so I snatch it up and slam the door behind us. Then after a minute or so, I venture out. Quinn's gone. No more fire. Nothings burned. And I'm like, whooooo and I take a deep breath.

Then it's like hey, I'm already. So I start looking around her house. Then the shop keeper comes in and she's all what the hell are you doing in my house?! Give me my cat back! An I'm like didn't you see the Dragon?! And she's all there's no such thing as Dragons! And she's yelling at freaking out and I'm just like STOP! And she does... Which is weird. And I determine that because she stopped when I told her to that I suddenly have the power to push people. So I try it again. And I'm like, uhhhh you never saw me. Live a good long life. And she's like okay and she's all smiles. Then I leave and start walking Home.

And on my walk Home this old time-y car that's painted like bright orange, swerves onto the sidewalk trying to run me down. So I jump out of the way and immediately conclude that somebody by the name of Vanessa pushed that guy trying to get him to kill me. So I devote all of my mind powers into pushing her, even though she's no where to be seen or even in the area. And I'm saying things like, you will never use your powers to hurt anyone ever again, do you here me?! And I guess that it works, because in the 5 minutes that I've had my Alpha powers, I've become incredibly powerful, I guess. Hahaha. Then I stop focusing and look at round at where I am because, apparently I kept walking even thought I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. And um, I find myself in something of a Halloween Town, but it's like the horror version of Halloween Town. Not the cutesy Kimberly Brown/Jack Skellington version. And it's all gory and disgusting. But I keep walking because it seems that my mission now is to find Quinn for some reason it seems logical that Dragon Quinn would come here. Suuuuure, why not.

So, I walk past this creepy guy that's trying to trick some dude into hanging himself, and I go into a creepy abandoned house and there's two like holes and one of them is dark and the other one is flamey and Vincent Price tells me that I have to choose wisely because one of them will burn me to a crisp and so I in my infinite wisdom chose the dark one. Because I think that everyone else would think to chose the dark one because it's the obvious choice and then change their mind because.... Well, it's too obvious. Hahaha. Anyway, I go through the tunnel and I guess it was the right one because I pass some flames and crap while I'm in there but come out the other side relatively unmaimed.

AND THEN?!...... I woke up, because my boyfriend stole all the blankets and I was cold cause said boyfriend also happened to turn the air conditioning all the way up. Hahahaha

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