Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That'll Heal Right Up

Okay, so I know that you all haven't been too interested in my blog as of late, despite all the posting I've been doing. But if you guys could do me and favor and come out of the woodwork now, I could really use some help.

I need all of you to go to this link and click the little green circle at the top to vote for my entry to this contest. I'm trying to win a scholarship and I can't win unless everyone votes for my entry! So please help me out!


If I win, I'll post the sequeal to It's Me for you or the entire war scence from the end of my book or something to say thank you for your votes. Love you guys! Thanks for your help.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Level of Ineptitude That Borders on the Imbecilic

Soooo........ Not that anyone cares, but I am working on the scene in which Aiden addresses the Imperial Court. Now, I've written about two pages worth of dialouge in which Aiden tells his dear friend Kiara, who (for those of you that don't pay any attention) is the Empress of Rayet, all about what's happened and how his evil brother has returneded from exile on a mission to destroy everything. And then I stopped and was like, do I really want to write all this and then have to re-explain it to the whole court? Or should I simply write a transition in which I simply mention that Aiden restates all of that information? Well..... Phuck if I know Bros!

I like the exchange between Aiden and Kiara because they're friends and allies, they kind of grew up togeteher in the same way that Angel has grown up with Andromina, so it makes sense that she would be more concerned for him then the others. It also makes sense that he would be more open with her then he would with the entire court. Which is nice. I like opening Aiden up now and then. However, I don't know what's best for the scene. I may have to write it both ways and then ask for an opinion from you all, but oh wait, you guys never give me an opinion when I really need one. -glare- So, as usual, I'll just wing it. But if by some miracle, someone does feel the need to comment with anything helpful then your input is always welcome Dears.

This is Blaise.
He is sexy and awesome.
Look deep into his eyes,
He's hypnotizing, is he not?
Yes, he is.
And you know what Blaise wants you to do for him?
Pretend that you care about my Blog.

Annnnnnd if sexy hypnotic Blaise doesn't work then I have Angel!
My violent lesbian twin sister who has anger issues.
And Angel says....
Well, what Angel says is the kind of stuff that you ought not repeat infront of small children.
But the jist of it is,
You guys are useless.
-cough, cough-
Reading my blog all the time but never helping me out when I ask for opinions is pointless!

And that's Jenga!
Night Guys
-Lita Kaye

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Bang Whack Wiggle Wiggle

Okay, soooooo, I need help Bros. Remember when I was talking about Emma's powers and I ended up breaking down and changing her Tiger-ness to Panther-ness because I wanted her tail to be black and not striped? Well.... I'm not so sure about that anymore. Cause, as anyone who actually knows me will tell you, Tigers are near and dear to my heart and they're endangered and their preservation is like one of the number one causes out there that I support. So, Tigers are a big deal to me. Which is why I made Emma a Tiger in the first place. But then I started thinking that the stripes on her tail might look funny. Which is why I changed it to a Black Panther. But.... I'm really not sure about that anymore.

Not that I don't love Panthers and not that they don't need our attention just as much as Tigers do, I just have a soft spot for the big striped cat. So, what do I do? Go back to the Tiger for it's personal meaning to me, in hopes that I might preach a little conservation in the process. Stick with the Panther for it's sleek black look. Veer off to the left and choose a Snow Leopard because they're so damn cute. Go way off the map and chose a Puma because the Puma is the big cat that's closest to the Fox's level. I don't know!

Opinions Please!

Also, how many of you only clicked on this post because of hat pictures of the Jedi Squirrels? Don't be shy now. You can tell me the truth.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nice, Unshaven, Young People

As per usual, you guys are killing me with the overwehelming response to my requests for opinions. And thank you so much for that. Your silence is.... Well, it's annoying really. But whatever BEST FRIENDS, I'll just do it myself. Hahaha.

Anyway, what do I have to post today? Ummmm, not too much. Let's see, I've basically finished the final battle section of my book. Still struggling with Aiden's dramatic pre-battle speech, which no one seems to want to help me with. I was kind of thinking that Aiden feels horrible about this whole thing maybe he should apologize for being to weak to destroy his brother twenty years ago and thank everyone for standing by him even though this is all his fault but I was told that that's "wussy" and would ruin his sense of honor or something like that? Which I don't think that it would. I think it's very mature. But, part of writing a good story is making sure that everyone gets it and I want people to see Aiden's side of things and feel like he's an excellent King because he really is, so ya know maybe that's not the way to go after all.

Umm, I decided to keep the scene in which Blaise rips Eclipse a new one for almost letting me die, like 10 minutes before the wedding. Hehehehe. I'm actually making it even more intense. Oh! And ya know what I noticed the other day when I was doing a cursory reading of my novel? Blaise swears more then any character in the whole book. He swears like a sailor! Oh Boy! Hahaha. Like in the course of the book Hiroshi swears like once. Emma swears once. Fiore swears a little. Angel and Aiden swear a little more. And then Blaise is just like AWR RAWR RAWR RAAAAWR?! It was actually kind of amusing for me too realize this. Hahaha.

And um, I literally just got side tracked and left this up and untouched for over an hour. Hahaha. Guess that means that I'm done now. Bye Bros! And don't forget to wish me luck with my scholarships! I've applied to like 3 a day for the past two months. Hahaha

Monday, May 7, 2012

Laundromat of Love, Kitchen of Starvation

Okay. So, this post is about Hiroshi. As you all should know, but probably few actually remember, Hiroshi is afraid that his husband is going to die in the final battle because Kerian is a crazy bastard and what not. And it is a just fear because Aiden does die! But only temporarily, because as a few of us know, Hiroshi broke all the laws of nature and things like that, crossed over the line into the realm of dark magic and whatever to create THE HIGH PRIESTESS SOLESTINA'S PHOENIX?! (Inspired by an episode of Warehouse 13, don'tcha know. Thank you so much for blowing up the Warehouse and killing Artie, MacPhearson. Hahaha.) Which has the power to resurrect someone who has died, but ONLY if they happen to be holding it when they die. Which is all well and good. NOW! Originally, I was just planning on having Hiroshi give Aiden the Phoenix the night before the battle. But it was suggested to me.... um, like 3 years ago, that I should do a scene about Hiroshi making the silly thing. Which might be interesting, though at the moment I don't actually have a specific process for making the Pheonix in mind. So, I'd have to think one up. Also, if I do add this scene then I'd want it to be more then just Hiroshi making this thing. And I think that I'd want it to be rather dramatic. Cause it's dangerous to make one of these things, it's hard and if you do it wrong you can kill someone and all that nonsense because if it weren't then why would it be forbidden, right? Hahaha. So, what I would do if I add this scene would be to have Hiroshi make the thing and then right at the end when he adds his blood or something like that, something will happen and it'll blow him through a wall or he'll collapse or something. And then I'm thinking that either Fiore or Krystal will have to find him, because they've got the least going on in this particular storyline. But wait! Dangerous and forbidden nonsense going on in Aiden's house and Aiden doesn't know about it? No surely not. That's highly unrealistic! Yes it is, but I've got this totally covered. If I add this scene it will take place while Aiden is at or on route for his meeting at the Imperial Club House because if I were doing something sneaky and illegal to save my husband's life that I know very well that he would protest too then I would do it when he was otherwise engaged. Cause that's just common sense no? Totally! Hahahaha.

And that's all I have for you today. Except that I'm considering letting Blaise kick Eclipse in the face. X3 As usual helpful comments are always welcome. Ciao. -Mistress Kaye